Chapter 17

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Izuku Pov

I sigh as I watch Eraser take out some villain. Man, I'm kinda sad there was nothing new on teh LOV. I stand up and stretch before running home. 

"I'm back!" I shout

Harumi shouts something in response. I go to my workshop and take off my suit. I plop into my seat and rub my eyes. Ugh, I pull my laptop towards me. I hack into some files of criminals. My screen starts glitching out. What a minute this is a non- hackable laptop. What the fuck.

it goes back to normal in a couple minutes and I stare at it in confusion. I slowly close it and put it away ' Well that just happened' I stand up and go over to my wings, let's see if I can finish these up by morning.

??? Pov

 I watch as someone else tries to hacking to police files and smile. Time for a little fun. Oh they're playing hard to get with the very hard to hack laptop. Nothing I'm not used to. 

"Error! Get down here!"

I sigh and stop messing with them. I chuckle to myself. I suppose I will be seeing them again soon.

Izuku pov

I grab the coffee Harumi got me and take a sip. Heaven in a cup. I look at the wings I was able to finish. I look at the time. Crap. I go dye my hair so it fades from red to black, also I hide my eyebags with some concealer. Perfect time to go wake the girls. I head ove the where they were sleeping.

"Harumi! Mayumi! Get up!"  I shout.

Mayumi shoots up and looks around before realizing it's jsut me. Harumi just rolls over groaning. I toss a uniform that Nezu gave to Mayumi (Don't ask how).

I storm up to Harumiand start shaking her.

"Harumi wake up."

"5 more minutes." (me every morning) she mumbles.

I sigh and leave the room and grab a mircophone speaker ( the ones gym teacher use to blow your eardrums up) and head back over to here and get close to her ear.

"WAKE UP!" I shout into it.

She yelps and rolls off the bed. I laugh as she sits up glaring at me.

I toss her a uniform and leave so they can get dressed.  I change into the uniform I have and take off the tie. no way in hell am I wear the thing. The two girls come down in their uniforms as I'm putting the black contacts I bought last night. I let my tail out, Aizawa doesn't know I have a tail so it's fine. I look at the girls.

"Alright, so things to remember. We are all sibling and you two are twins. our last name is Matsuki got it?" I explain.

They nod and we leave for U.A . As we are walking up to the school Harumi looks at me angerly and punches me in the arm.

"Ow waht was that for?!" I whine and rub where she punched me.

"You didn't tell use we were going to U.A!" she hisses. Oh, oops.

 We start searching for our class. Sadly Mayumia and Harumi were in the support class. We find theirs before mine and drop the two off. I keep going down the hall till I find class 1 - a. I open the door to see a student yelling at - oh great. Bakugo Katsuki. I sigh and look up, I close my eyes.

'Why do you hate me life?'

I open my eyes to see the kid that yelled at Bakugo coming in my direction. 

"Hello fello classmate! I am Tenya Iida!" he says, waving his hands like a robot. I squeeze past him and go to my seat. Which was behind Bakugo.  i put my head on my desk, this is not going to be fun.

Aizawa Pov

"If your here to make friends leave." I say tiredly from my sleepng bag. A few kids jump as I climb out of my comfy bag. I walk in the class room and scan the kids, looking for anyone similar to the vigilantee I now haved named Celer, speedy in latin. Hm, all of them were looking at me but one. 

A red and blakc haired boy with a tail who was sleeping. I sigh and pull the school training uniform from my sleeping bag.

"Get in this and meet me outside." I say triedly. Time to start my investigation

Here you go my lovely reader! You all are awesome and stay positive! (Unlike me) But don't mind that. Here's another interesting fact. Sorry bout last chapter for no fact. I'm just too lasy to go fix it. 

Did you know a crocodile can not stick it's tonuge out?

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