Chapter 9

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Aizawa Pov

Why did I have to end up with him? He leads me to a cafe and and we enter. There was a young boy with siler eyes and green hair. Huh, just like Midoriya's.

"Hello, welcome to  Latte Loca! What can I get you? he asks with a smile. sigh and go to order but hawks interupts me.

"Hey! It's you, the one with the wing quirk! Is your hair naturally green."

He laughs. Wait, wing quirk? Hawks already knows the kid? But....where are his wings?

"Yep, that's me, and no it's not naturally green. My friends dared me to dye it. I getting it out tomarrow." he explains.

"Ah. Anyways, where are your wings?"  Hawks points out. For once I agree. He seems to realize and looks back.

"Oh, I forgot I even have wings. I can make them disappear and reappear when I want. Comes in handy for things like this."

I nod. Hawks orders for us and we pay then take a seat. A girl comes out of the back yawning and notices Hawks. Her eyes widen.

"Ichitora! You didn't tell me we had heroes in here!" the girl shouts. The boy's head peeks out form around the corner( Peek a boo bitch).

"Oh sorry Aya." Ichitora responds. Hm, he seems familiar. I'll have Naomasa search him up later.

"Here's your drinks."

I slightly jump. How'd this kid-? I was spacing out he probably just caught me off guard. I grab my drink. Hawks and the boy have a caht about flying and quirks. i take a sip of my coffee. What the- it taste just liek Midoriya's. But... this kid can't be Midoriya. I tell Hawks we have to get back on patrol and we leave. I sigh. Darn it I've got to deal with a vigilantee tonight...

Izuku Pov

"See you tomarrow Ichitora!" Aya says. I gie her a wave as I leave the shop. It's getting dark and I still have my online classes and vigilante work. I sigh, this is going to be one fun night.

I get to the edge of the forest and turn into darkness. I land in the treehouse and open my laptop. I see that I hae to assignments and a test due by midnight. Fudging fun, it's midnigt in an hour, great. Let's get to work.

-time skip-

whew. I finish with 30 minutes to spare. Those were like , collge level assignments. I finished them non-less. The test was quite easy though, I yawn. Sadly, I still have to go on patrol. I get ready, this is going to be a long night.

Nezu Pov (heheh)

I check the young boy who took my high level classes. Oh wow, he finished the assignments and test in 30 minutes. I take a sip of my tea, interesting. I look up as my door is kicked down by Shota. He marches up to my desk.

"Do something." he growls

"And what is it I'm doing?" I ask, smiling.

"Finding out who this vigilante is dammit!" he yells

"Ah! That vigilantee, he's a smart one at that." I exclain. I watch as Shota's faces changes from anger to confusion. I take a sip of tea.

"You've met him, and did nothing?" he asks.

"Yep, beat me in chess to." 

Shota leaves grumbling about problem children. I watch him leav. Maybe I can make another deal with this vigilantee.

"See you soon Midoriya."

Hey loser! Just kidding your all awesome. Anyways what you'd think of the chapter? Shout out to  SirEEv for adding it one of your readin lists! Also here my update schedule. I write during school becasue I can't do it at home. So i can't write on weekends or any holidays. Spring break is coming up and I won't be able to write any all week. I know it sucks. Also the awnser to the last question was..... 5! Now that you have that information. 

How many sisters do I have?

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