Chapter 7

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Aizawa Pov

I shake my head and glitter falls to floor. I sigh, great a new vigilantee I have to deal with. I don't get paid enough for this. I walk into the police station and head to detective Tsukauchi's office. I kick open the door startling the crap out of the Naomasa.

"Well you some to be in a.... sparkley mood. What happened to you? Why are you covered in the glitter?" he questions.

"Work of the new vigilantee and I have a feeling I know who it is."

Naomasa sets down the file he was reading and rests his hands on the desk.

"I believe  -"

"Your looking for me?"

I whip around and there he was. The vigilantee right there. He strolls in like he owns the place. I stand up and ready my cature gear and he grabs another glitter bomb off his belt. I sigh in defeat and sit back down.

"So vigilantee? What brings you here?"

"Wanted to make a name for myself. Also Aizawa, back off Izuku's case, he is perfectly fine right where he is. I made sure of that."

 He turns around and I see him roll the glitter bomb around in his palm.

"Also here's a parting gift! Cheers!"

He throw it in the air and bolts it out the door. Naomasa looks at me confused.

"What was -"


Glitter. I did not need more you problem child.

Izuku Pov

I laugh as I fly home. Oh I got them good. I land on the landing pad I made. Ugh, I have so much to do today. Firat I open up mu laptop to see if I was excepted on the courses. Ha! I was! I smile and send my teacher a thank you and that I can start my work whenever. Next, I grab the school applications for Aldera Middle School and change into some casual clothes. I let out my angel side and my hair goes white and my eyes go silver. I fly high enough to get light and teleport straight out side the principals office. I turn in my applications and casually walk out. Ugh, stupid crowded sidewalks, I decided to fly to Top Pot and land. Little did I know a winged hero was watching me...

"Hi itchitora! What can I get for you today!" Aya asks me with a smile.

"Uh can I work here?" I ask questionaly.

"Of course! You can start tomarrow." she says.

I thank her and leave. I go over to the park and plop down on a bench with a huff.

"You seem tired."

I jump, startled. I look up to see Hawks. My eyes widen, what the heck does Hawks want with me?

"You look surprised."

"You get noticed by one of the top ten heroes and not be surprised." I reply.

"Very true."

He sits down next to me and we sit in silence for a bit before he looks at me.

"Where'd you learn to fly?"

Startled by the question, I scoot back a bit. I spread my wings and little and look back.

"Self taught."

Hawks looks at me surprised and I stand up. I falp my wings and just barely get off the ground. He seems to get the idea and flys up in the air. I follow him up with a smile. He smiles back at me.

"Can you keep up?" he asks.

I smirk, "Watch me." 

He shrugs and sooms off. I chuckle, making this a challange are we? I fly after him, so far I stay a bit behind him, wery of what he might do. He looks back and laughs.

"Thought you could keep up?" he taunts.

I grit my teeth. You player. I speed up and zoom past him. Leaving him stunded. I fly backwards.

"Who needs to keep up now?" I mock

He smiles and we fly side by side for a bit chatting. I tell him I need to go home sense it's getting late. He says he understands and I fly down and let my wings disappear. I turn into darkness and go to the treehouse. I flop on the floor and sigh. Crap, maybe I shouldn't use my wings for vigilante work. I sigh and grab my blanket and flop on the bed. 

Maybe I'll make mechanical wings. 

With that thought I feel asleep.

So hello my friends! Did you guess the awnser to the last question? Well here's the awnser! I'm...... 13! Bravo to those who got it right! Alright next question!

How many people are in my family?

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