Chapter 28

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I sigh as me and hawks walk up to U.A. He pats me on the back.

"Well Nugget you'll do fine."


"Your new nickname!" he says proudly. I shake my head.


He flys off and I run my hand through my green curls. With everyone knowing who I was I didn't have to hide my hair but let my eyes change to silver and red. I take a breath. I've got this.

I walk in and head over to Eraser's classroom. Iopen the door and all conversations stop and everyone looks att me. Well great. Bakugo stares at me in anger.


"Enough, everyone to your seats."

Saved my Zawa. I turn around and stare at the mummy. I swear he didn't look like that on patrol. Everyone goes to their seats quietly. 

"As you can see we have Kengi back. His real name is Izuku Midoriya, also he is the well know vigilantee celer."

Everyone starts to bombard me with questions. I flinch and take a step back.

"Enough!" Aizawa shouts. Activating his quirk for intimidation. He points to my seat. Oh great, right behind Bakugo. I trudge to my seat and Aizawa starts the lesson.

"Those villain aren't teh worst you'll be seeing. You have a bigger problem ahead."

Everyone starts shouting again and I flinch back. Aizawa activates his quirk again.

"The sports festival. Class dismissed."

Everyone was packing hteir things but Bakugo, kirishima, and Kaminari all come torwards me. I panic and grab my bag before slipping into the shadows. They stop and start where I was, confused. Bakugo turns around and stomps off. I wait till everyone's gone before reappearing and heading home. I probably need to go on patrol tomight since Aiawa will be forced into bed. (Mic).

I go inside and take off  my shoes.

"I'm home!"

Hawks head peeks around the corner. He smiles.

"Hey how was Aizawa's class?"

If I want to be able to talk later I can start talking with Hawks, the one kind enough to let me stay in his home. I pop off the communicator.

"It - It was fine I guess." I rasp. Ugh, it hurts. Can't do this very often. Hawks smiles even more.

"You talked!"

We head into the kitchen and I grab a glass and fill it with water. As I'm guzzling down the water Hawks looks at my neck questionaly.

"What're the bandages for?"

I set down the glass with a sigh. Now he brings it up. I slowly unwrap the bandages to not damage it any more than it already is.

He gasps as he stares at the bright red ahdn prints around my neck. He goes to touch it but stops and looks up at me. I give a slight nod and his cold fingers brush against my neck. I flinch slightly. He pulls his hand away and I rewrap my neck.

"How?" he whispers.

"Dabi...he burnt me..." I say quietly, I end there, scared that if I continue I'll get flashbacks. Hawks seems to realize this and just nods. I head into my room and lay on my bed. Forgetting just what would happen if I feel asleep.....

There you go guys! Ugh it's gettting so close to the end of the quarter but I must keep my promise! A part a day! ALright moving on her is your fact for the day!

Did you know french fries are belgian not french?

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