Chapter 13

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Just saying there is a  self harm mention if you can spot it If not your fine. It's not that noticable.

I yawn and slap the alarm off. I grab my suit and put it on. I let ,u wings out and fly off. Tonight I do not want to deal with anyone right now, so I go to the shady part of town. 4 years... I've been a vigilante for 4 years. 

I hear a scream and fly after it. I land and peer into the alley, ok so gang rape on two girls. Not cool. One of the girls was standing up to face them and the other had a storm cloud that was thundering over her head and getting her wet.

"Hey doofs!" I shout.

They all look up at me and I give them a wave. One pulls out a gun and points it at me. Great.

"Aren't you a little to old to be playing hero." the leader snarls.

I chuckle, "And aren't you a little to old to be alive?" I yell back, a bullet whizzes past me. Ok, not in the mood. I jump down and do a show of dusting my self off. Meh, there's only 7, not that bad. 

Two come at me and I yawn as they both try to punch me. I just tilt my head back and they punch each. They both fall the ground unconscience.

"Ouch, that must hurt, sadly I wouldn't know it wasn't me who we hit." I mumble. All but the leader rushes me. Another one pulls out a gun and shots my left leg. I let one get a punch in just to be nice. Sadly he broke my nose.

"He broked my nose!" (Longest yard refrence).

I just punch him back ten times harder. 

The one who shot me, shots my left arm like two times. I sigh as it slowly heals popping the bullets back out. I take him down and one gets a cut in right next to my wrist. I growl and glare at the man.

"The only one who gets to cut me there, is me." I grab his wrist and twist it. Makng him drop the blade. I chop his neck and he goes down. Well now it's jsut the leader. I approch him slowly. My eyes leaving a trail of fire behind them, that's how mad I was about this gang rape and him cutting me.

He drops the gun and puts his hands up. I give a  very deadly smile. I run and chop his neck as well and down he goes. I look at my clothes and see the blood all over them. Fun. I tie them all up and the girl standing huffs.

"I could have taken them on my own." 

I look her up and down and see cuts and bruises all over her body. 

"Uh, I  don't think you could have but ok. What are you two doing out this late anyways?" I question. She flips her hair out of her face.

"We were looking for a place to sleep till these losers ganged up on us." she states.

The other girl was rocking back and forth muttering ' I'm going to die' over and over again.

"So you guys need a place to stay?"

She nods and I call the detectve(don't ask how I have his number) I take the two girls to my tree house and pull out some blanket.

"What are your guys names?" I mean like that's the first question I should have asked. The rain cloud was still over the insecurity girls head. 

"I'm Harumi and this is Mayumi. Mayumi calm down! You'll rot the tree house!"

She looks up and realises  that she has a cloud over her head. She closes her eyes and take ssome deep breathes and the cloud slowly goes away.

"uh, well here's where you guys wil sleep. Foods in the cabnets and waters in that bin over there. I have a meeting in the morning and won't be back for a while. You guys can come with me to work when back. Ok"

The nod and lay dwn. AFter a minute they fall alseep. Man they must have been tired. I'll get them in school with me tomarrow. I change out of my outfit and flop on my bed.

Time for some well needed sleep.

So Hello everyone! Fun fact, do not punch a bus seat to many times you'll bruise your knuckes. It hurts I promise you. Anyways the awnse to the last question was.... 5 foot 7! All right congrats to those who got it right.

What is my eye color?

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