Chapter 14

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I yawn as I sit up. Nezu already knew who I was so I don't hide my quirk or anything. I fly over to U.A and just for fun I fy through Nezu's window and land softley. He looks at up at me from his computer and smiles.

"Ah hello red! Found a solution?"

I nod "Yep, and mind if we have some late joiners, they can join the support class if possible. Found them in a leey and they education." I sigh.

"Of course! When you get their quirks and info bring it to me. So I can inroll them." he stands up and walks around his desk. He sits on the couch across from me.

"Alright, even with my wings hidden  can use other asapects of my quirk. So my quirk will be devil's flame. I can control flames and make fire."

He jumps up, "Perfect! I'll put that in the system."

I nod and move over to the window. I give him a wave before flying off again. I land at the tree house and see a massive cloud about to flood the tree, the winds were also versy strong. Harumi and Mayumi were arguing.

"Enough!" I shout.

The cloud slowly goes away and they both look at me. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Please no fighting. I got to go to work also I got you two into a school. So you can either come with me or stay here. Which is it?"

"We'll go with you." Harumi says, Mayumi justs nods. e leave the forest and I take them to my work with me.

"So do you guys want something to eat and drink?" I ask, Mayumi slowly slakes her head. Harumi sighs and get them a hot chocolate with croissants. I nod and head into the back and change into the uniform. I come out and start on their hot chocolate. I grab the croissants and hand them to the girls. I hear a bind, oh, the hot chocolates are done.


The door opens and I tell them ' just a sec' as I hand Harumi and Mayumi their drinks. I trun around to see Hawks, Eraserhead and the detective. I sigh and rub my eyes. I need sleep, not heroes. I trudge back behind he counter. They order and I get them their drinks. That's when Aya gets back.

"Hey Aya, I need to talk to you." I say, we head into the back.

"What's up Ichitora?"

"IhatetoquitbutI'mgoingtoschoolandcan'tkeepupwithworkatthesametime." I say really fast, Aya frowns, crap.

"It's fine, but you have to come in some time and make me a coffee." 

I let out a sigh,I agree and leave with the girls. I take them to a abandoned apartment building.

"Stay here, I'll be back."

They nod and go inside and I let out my normal quirk as I fly back to the tree house. Now I can stop hiding for a bit. With heroes at where I work so often. Time to start moving. First, delete Ichitora from everything I log in my laptop and erase everthing about Ichitora. Perfect. Time to start moving.

Aizawa Pov

I look over at the counter and see the shop owner Aya deep in thought.

"Hey Aya. Where's Ichitora?" I question. She looks over at me and sighs.

"Had to quit because of school. But I feel like he's hiding something, he's been really jumpy lately." she explains.

I turn over to Naomasa who was chatting about red with hawks.

"Tsukauchi, will you seach up Ichitora please?" he pulls out the laptop he carries around with him at times.

"Last name?"

Aya chimes in "Yaku"

'bad luck?' I think. Naomasa types it in and scrolls a bit. Hawks them chimes in as well.

"His quirk is angel's blessing."

Naomasa types a couple more thing and stares at his screen confuses. I wach as he retypes everthing and continues to stare at his screen.

"What?" Hawks asks>

Naomasa turns his laptop around for us to see. Bth me and Hawks stare athe screen in confusion.

"There's no one with the name Ichitora Yaku."

Ok so about the last two parts, I am slowly losing confidence in this story. I mean like ya I have 200 viewers but no ones voting or commenting or anything. Am I doing something wrong? Is my writing trashy? Please just tell me I slowly dying on the inside. It was hard enough for me to start a story and now Im expected to finish it. So anyways the awnser to the last question was... Hazel! Great job if you got it right. Next question?

What is my favorite fruit?

The Devil's Curse but Angel's BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now