Chapter 6

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Izuku Pov

I yawn as Nezu makes his move. I smile perfect. I move my queen up.

"Checkmate." I say. Nezu examines the board a couple times before laughing.

"Indeed. You have beat me. Well I believe we had a deal?"

I stand and bow before leaing his office. I sprint though the halls  and bust though the front doors. I parkour back over the wall and become darkness and teleport back. I calaspe with a sigh. 'That was way to close!'

He probably will have Eraserhead on my now. I change into some comfy clothes and grab the bag of stuff I stole. I sigh, I guess it's time to work on my vigilantee outfit before I go out. I grab the things I stole from U.A, let's get to work.

-Time Skip-

I wip off sweat from my forehead. Finally, I check the time. Perfect, it's midnight. I grin as I put it on. I grab the belt, put that on and grab all my gadets and put them in their pockets. I let my black wings out as well as my tail. My flaming floating horns apear as well. Well... that might ruin my cover, I put them back away. I slip into darkness and appear in an alleyway. I fly up to the roofs and start flying around. I smile, no can stop me n-

"Gaaaahhhh!" I shout as I start falling.

I grab my hoodie and look back. My wings! Where are they?! I look down and see Eraserhead. Crap. I grab a blue and pink circle from my belt. I pull the clip and toss it in the air as I'm falling. I get cought in Eraserheads gear right after.

"Who are you?" he asks tiredly.

I give him a small smile, that's when the glitter hits. Blue and pink glitter all over Eraserhead. I chuckle as I escape. I hear a scream and turns toward the sound. I run after it to find some men ganging up on a girl. I sigh, why is there so much trafficing going on? I hop down quietly.

"Well boys you seem to be having fun. Mind if I join?"

They all turn around and the girl stares at me in horror. They chuckle and turn back around, except for the leader. He sneers.

"What's in it for you?"

I laugh," Who said I'd be doing it your way?" I ask as I make a blade out of darkness. I lift my head just enough for them to see my blood red eyes. I run at the leader and he tries to grab me, I jump over him and slash his back. He falls to floor out cold. One down 2 to go.

His two mates turn around and stare between their bloody leader and me. They both charge and me and I flap my wings, making a gust of wind. They get off balance and I charge. I grab one with my tail and fling him into a wall. I throw a dagger dipped in dtrong sleep medicne at the other, knocking them both out.

I tie them all up and have the girl call 911. I check the girl for injures but couldn't see any. I sit down beside her as she finishes up the call.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Um, I - I'm Ochaco Uraraka."

"Well Ochaco I hope you overcome any fears you have. "

I hear sirens and stand up. I stretch my wings and grab the dagger form the man's shoulder. I flap my wings about to fly off when Uraraka yells at me.

"Wait! What's your name?!"

I smile, " Red Reaper."

Hello my lovely readers! So here's the thing I don't publish on weekends! Sorry for the late annoucement. ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯ But the asnwer for last question! Are you ready for it? It's (insert drumroll) March! Next Question!

How old am I?

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