chapter two: daddy issues

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Half an hour later Mr. Miller was interrupted for the fifth time. "What's your first name?" asked a girl with a smirk. He just sighed, "It's Joel. And I think we won't get any further here if you can't concentrate. I'll make you a suggestion, you're welcome to ask questions for 10 minutes and then we'll continue with the topic, okay?" he suggested and leaned against the desk. Actually, he just wanted to continue teaching the Late Bronze Age Collapse.

Everyone in the room was visibly happy and some started raising their hands. "You don't have to raise your hands in my lecture if you won't yell around like crazy people" he said with a chuckle.

"How old are you?"

"40, would there be any questions about the course?" he asked and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Are you planning to do the same presentations and papers as Mrs. Gilbert's?" asked a boy from the front row.

"Yes, I was planning to, were you satisfied with the way Mrs. Gilbert taught?" he asked back. Almost everyone nodded, just about everyone here loved her. She was kind, understanding and helped everyone get through the semesters well.

"How did you get this job? Have you been a professor for a long time?" asked another girl, Tara. She sat in Millie's row, just a few seats beside her. She was always close to Tyler, the two had a special relationship. Almost the whole course knew that the two fucked.

"Mrs Gilbert asked me personally a few days ago if I would like to take her lectures. I was previously a professor at Stanford, but wanted to switch schools for longer"

Tara nodded, "That's cool, do you know if you're taking a TA?" she asked with a smile while playing with her hair.

Kurtis immediately looked over at Millie with a grin. He knew exactly what she was thinking now. Millie was super annoyed. Tara has never been interested in professors or being a TA.
"I hate her," she murmured for only Kurtis to hear. "I know," he said, grinning. He has known her for 5 years and knows exactly what she thinks.

"Apparently some here are interested in becoming a TA, please email me if you're interested and I will then take a close look at who I give the position to. Otherwise I can't remember your names so quickly."

After easily another 10 personal questions, he could finally continue with the lecture and everyone listened well.

Susanne told Joel a lot about Mille and praised her in high tones. He'd probably choose her as the TA anyway, but to be fair to everyone he should get to know everyone better first.

Apparently she really is a great student, she wrote down everything he said and her eyes were focused on him the whole time. Such students were his favourites, that's how he know that he's doing his job well.

After about two hours there was a short break. Millie stood in the yard with the others while Tyler and Peter smoked.

"I think Mr. Miller is a nice professor. Gilbert was getting boring" Tara said as she joined them too.

"You're only saying that because you want to fuck him, Tara," Peter said, grinning. "Okay and? He's hot"

"Okay be honest, did you really fuck a professor?" Peter asked curiously.

„Yeah, Watson"

"Is that why he got suspended?" Tyler asked, also handing Tara a cigarette. "Probably" she said laughing and lit it.

„You really have some daddy issues Tara" Tyler said with a chuckle.

"Every girl has them, right Millie?"

"What?" she asked back perplexed.

"Daddy Issues, surely you have them too? Like you don't pull off your TA stunt just to land in a man's bed"

"My father is dead" was all she said and went back into the building. She couldn't take Taras bullshit a second longer. She was a TA because she enjoyed it and and because you obviously got paid well for it.

On the way to the hall she noticed that Kurtis was following her. "Tara is a bitch, just ignore her"

"I know, she definitely doesn't wanna be TA because she would enjoy it. Although, well, she probably would enjoy the new professor" she answered and Kurtis laughed.

"Excuse me?" came a voice behind them. Shocked, they both turned around quickly.
Wow, of course he had to walk right behind them now. 
"That was a bit inappropriate," said the professor. "I'm sorry" Millie said quickly, embarrassed.

"Please forget it, i didn't mean it that way.I didn't mean to say anything inappropriate"

Luckily Kurtis changed the subject and the whole way the two talked about his test he will take on Thursday.

The rest of the lecture up to 1pm went without any further problems. Millie completely ignored Tara, although it was difficult since she was only a few seats from her.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

A few hours later, just before 7pm, Millie arrived at the apartment, exhausted. She had volleyball practice from 4 to 6.
"Hey girl!" Linh, Jess and Clarissa exclaimed happily. "Hey you, what have you been up to all this time?" Millie asked as she sat down on the sofa with them. With Prison Break on TV, Jess and Clarissa decided to rewatch the entire series before their semester starts next week.

„Binge-Watching" they said laughing.

"I'm jealous, I wish I had one more week off."
"You do know that the semester ends a week later for that too?" Clarissa asked with a grin while stuffing popcorn into her mouth. Millie just ignored her, "Give me some popcorn"

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