chapter eighteen: forget me too

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enjoy this chapter, even if there is a bit of drama now. But we need a bit of slow burn with teasing :)

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

While Millie and Joel were still leaning against the table in his office, they figured they could easily spend time together. Until there was a knock at the door.

"Ah shit" he whispered and immediately broke away from her.

"Yes?" he asked loudly to find out who was outside. "It's me Joel" said a woman's voice, which Millie didn't recognize at first. But then she quickly realized that it was Ms. Connors.

"Go out and go away with her, I'll come out later" Millie whispered and he did as she said. That was probably the best option anyway so nobody sees them in here together. And Joel left the room without looking at Millie again or saying anything. Wow, how nice.

After a few minutes, Millie went back to the booth and noticed that Ms. Connors was still standing next to him. Although actually she was sitting in Millie's chair.

"Ah there you are Millie, I was wondering why you let your professor take care of the booth alone for so long" said Ms. Conners with a smile and put her hand on Joel's shoulder.

„Well I'm here now" she replied without looking at her. She didn't really want to have a conversation with this woman. Which didn't bother Ms. Connors either, since she was too busy flirting with Joel anyway.

She told him some boring story and kept her hand on his shoulder the whole time. Joel also looked at her all the time and listened to her without paying attention to Millie.

"Soo, can I have my chair back, please?" Millie then said annoyed, so that Ms. Connors would finally stop flirting with him. Millie wasn't jealous, she told herself, she just wanted her chair back.

Ms. Connors just rolled her eyes and stood up. "Well, see you later?" she then asked Joel, who nodded, before she left.

Annoyed, Millie sat down and took out her cell phone. She had some messages from Linh. 

'Please let's go to a club today.
I need that now after the
conversation with my parents.
Kurtis and Jess are coming too'

'Yeah sure, let's get wasted tonight.
How were your parents?'

'I'll tell you later okay? It's a long story'

After a few seconds Joel talked to her again.
"Millie I'm sorry," he said softly.
"Oh you're noticing me again?" she asked back with a chuckle.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way okay? She could have caught us"

„Yeah, but she hasn't"

"Yes luckily she didn't, we shouldn't have done that"

"So you're starting again with 'this can't happen anymore?'" Millie said and crossed her arms.

"You know that's the best option"

"Oh that's why you kissed me 10 minutes ago?" she whispered. 

"Millie, stop being childish" he said sternly.

"I'm not childish. You know what? Fine. Nothing happens anymore. Don't talk to me anymore if it's not about lectures. You're my teacher, act like one," she said and got up. 

"Where are you going?"

"That's none of your business"

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

A few hours later, Millie was wasted outside the club with Jess. The two went outside so Jess could have a smoke while the others were still inside.

"I hope Linh and Kurtis work it out," Jess said after putting out her cigarette and carefully pulling a joint out of her pocket.

"They will. Linh's parents are strict, but they love each other," she replied.

"Well, you weren't there. Linh was so embarrassed. Her parents made a scene in the middle of the hall because she is dating a white American boy" Jess said and took a few hits.

"You want?" she then offered her. "Yeah sure, thanks," she murmured. Millie and Jess smoked up the joint for the next few minutes and then went back inside the club.

Inside, they quickly found the others on the dance floor and rejoined them.  "You were gone a long time," Linh yelled over the music. 

"Yes, we smoked, sorry. Are you okay?" Linh just nodded and started dancing more closely with Kurtis. 

"Well, let's leave them alone to have some fun. You wanna get drinks?" Jess suggested, grinning.

While Jess and Millie were standing at the bar waiting for the bartender to notice them, a guy came up behind them and put his arms on both of their shoulders. 

"What do I have to do to take you both home today?"

Jess started laughing straight away and pushed him away. 

"First of all ew, second of all ew" replied Millie with a laugh. Both of them couldn't really stay serious because they were already a bit high. 

"Hey that's kinda mean"

„Yeah probably. But you don't even have to try. I'm gay. And even if not, I wouldn't be interested"

"Too bad, and you babe?" he asked Millie.

"Uhm excuse me?! Stop hitting on my girlfriend" Jess exclaimed, pretending to be shocked.

"Just leave us alone, okay?" Millie replied, laughing.

"But you guys are just the hottest in the whole club. Let me invite you for a drink"

Before the two could answer anything, someone else intervened. "No need, the two have already ordered and get drinks on the house. Piss off"

The guy just rolled his eyes and then actually walked away.

When they turned around, the bartender was standing in front of them with a smile. A damn good looking bartender.

"So what do you want?" he asked again.

The two ordered their drinks and a few seconds later he placed them in front of her.

"He's fucking hot," Jess whispered in Millie's ear, to which she nodded, laughing. When Millie and Jess wanted to give him money, he stopped them. "No it's okay, like I said, it's on the house."

They thanked him and emptied their glasses within a few seconds. "Do you want anything else? And by the way, good excuse. If it was an excuse?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I have a girlfriend. Who I will call now. But she's straight, sooo have fun" said Jess with a grin and left her alone at the bar.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

I hope this chapter is kinda okay, I'm so stressed. It's my birthday next week and I still have so much to do, I don't even know what to wear 😭 (yes that's a real problem for me lol)

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