chapter twenty: the gas station

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Fundraising went very well. The group had collected more than any other. However, the highlight of the day was when Layla proudly announced that the history department had planned a trip to Boston in four days.

She entered a raffle for fun and won an invitation to a free history and culture tour. The head of the history department already knew about it, at first he wasn't so convinced because it was quite spontaneous, but when Layla then told him that the tour is free, he immediately agreed. He said the trip would be perfect for promoting NYU's history department well and maybe getting more enrollments.

When she then said that 20 students could come along, Kurtis and Millie signed up immediately. Since neither of them have ever been to Boston, they were both super excited.

"Man, I wish we could come too," Linh said pouting.
"I'll bring you a magnet for your collection okay? And we're only away for one night" Kurtis replied as they were walking to Hayley's apartment.

Since they knew that Clarissa is in their apartment today to pick up her last things, they didn't feel like celebrating there.

"Hey guys, my sister will be home in half an hour too, so you really don't mind if we do trick or treat with her then?" Hayley asked as they turned onto their street.

When they found out that Clarissa would be at the apartment today, Hayley suggested they go to her place. Her little sister would be there as she lives with Hayley, but that didn't really bother the others.

"No it's okay, trick or treat is fun. I haven't done that in ages" Millie replied with a grin. But when she realized where they were, she quickly regretted her answer. Fuck. Hayley's apartment is in the house next to Joel's?

And as if things couldn't get any worse, an hour later the group was standing in front of the front door of the house in which Joel's apartment is.

"Guys, I've got a bit of a headache, I'll wait out here in the fresh air, okay?" Millie then said. That was the best excuse she could think of, she couldn't just say that she doesn't want to go up because her professor lives here and she knows that because she's been here twice before.

"Oh Millie please come with us or we won't be complete as a the winx club" said Hazel, Hayley's 13 year old sister. When she saw that the girls were dressed up as the winx club and Bloom was missing, she almost cried with joy.

Hazel had reddish-ginger hair and changed in a blue dress and shoes to match.  "Please Millie," she pouted again and Millie gave in, "Yeah okay sure"

But she was completely nervous. She really didn't want Joel to see her, but even if he only saw the others, he'd know Millie was here.

And when Hazel rang at Joel's door 15 minutes later, Millie felt like she was about to pass out. The door opened just a few seconds later and when he recognized who was standing in front of the door, confusion was written all over his face.

"Trick or treat!" Hazel happily exclaimed loudly.

Millie's friends stared at the open door just as confused as Joel was staring at them. Millie saw him glance through the group briefly before spotting her a few metres behind the others.

'I'm sorry' she mouthed.

"Oh my god, Mr. Miller, we didn't mean to invade your privacy. But what a coincidence, Hayley lives in the house next door and we just rang every apartment here" Kurtis said with a laugh.

"Oh yeah sure, let me get some sweets" Joel then murmured and took a few steps away from the door.

"Oh god such a cute cat, look!" said Hazel excitedly as Jiji stuck his head out.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now