• chapter thirty: blackout and candles •

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I know you've been waiting for this for a looong time

Thanks to everyone who has read the story
for 30 chapters so far! 🥹

smut warning: oral (f receiving), choking,
vaginal sex without a condom

(and since i don't want to be a bad role model:
please always use proper contraception in
real life to avoid unplanned pregnancy or STDs!
this is fictional, so obviously
I can choose if she gets pregnant or not)

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

When Millie woke up the next day, she patted over the bed to find Joel. But when she didn't feel him, she opened her eyes after a few seconds. And she was alone in his bed.

"Joel?" she asked tiredly, thinking he might be in the bathroom.

But since there was no answer, she decided to get up and go to the kitchen. Wearing only his hoodie and boxers, she entered the kitchen. And there he stood in front of the stove.

"Hi" she murmured softly and stood next to him to look curiously at the stove, because the whole room smelled really good.

"Good morning, are you okay? Or do you have a hangover?" he asked with a grin.

"A bit of a headache, but otherwise okay," she replied, "Is that pancake batter?" she then added as she looked at the bowl.

He just nodded while concentrating on the stove. "Thanks, that's nice," she replied, smiling and leaning against him.

"Yes, I thought you might be happy about it because you talked about pancakes."

"I was talking about pancakes?" she asked back confused.

"Yeah, you were sleep talking," he replied with a chuckle.

"What? I don't do that" she answered immediately.

"Oh you did, most of it was incomprehensible but you mentioned pancakes a few times"

"Yeah I mean I guess I love pancakes. But you're imagining that, I'm definitely not sleep talking" she said and crossed her arms. Actually she couldn't know it herself, she can't listen to herself when she's sleeping. But she didn't want to admit it because that could mean that she might have said embarrassing things in her sleep before.

"If you say so" he replied with a grin and gave her a plate with pancakes.


Later that same day, Millie and Joel snuggled on the sofa for a nap. She actually wanted to study and he also had things to do for the university, but then they both fell asleep again pretty quickly because they went to bed quite late last night.

When they woke up, the whole apartment was dark.
"Didn't we leave the lights on?" Millie asked confused as she picked up her phone to check the time. It was 6pm and therefore already completely dark outside.

"Yeah I think we did" Joel said, also a bit confused. He went to the light switch only to realize the power had gone out.
"Ah shit, wait here, I'll be right back to see if I can turn the power back on myself"

Meanwhile, Millie noticed through the window that the other buildings on the street had no lights on either.  "I think that's unnecessary. Looks like we're not the only ones"

After a few minutes, Joel got some candles. 

"I'm sure it'll be over soon. Or do you want me to drive you home?" he asked while lighting some candles. 

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now