chapter eight: dimples

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Thanks again for all your votes and comments!! <3

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

The week went by pretty quickly, it was already Friday. 

"Today we will classify the topics for the thesis. You can do it in groups of two to four. As you know, the thesis is very important for your future, so choose wisely. I have emailed you all open topics," explained Mr. Miller while most of the students hastily opened their laptops to save their favorite topic.

"Millie?" whispered Kurtis immediately. 


"We're going to do it together again?" he asked, to which she nodded.

They looked at the topics and then agreed on 'Criticism of the war on drugs during the Ronald Reagan administration'.

After everyone was quietly working on drafting and planning the thesis, Mr. Miller began returning the essays from the museum. After he called her name, she also went down to his table.

"You did really good, I'm impressed," he said and gave her the printed papers. "Oh, thank you" she said happily with a big smile when she saw 97% written in red on the paper.

"No need to thank me, it was the best essay of all"

"Thank you so much, and oh um Mr. Miller?" she then asked quietly. He nodded to her to indicate that she could continue talking.

"I would leave half an hour early today because we have a volleyball tournament against another college. I hope that's okay?" she asked.

"Sure, there is no compulsory attendance in the friday lectures" "Okay, thanks, I just wanted to let you know"

A few hours later, Millie was sitting in the dressing room, all changed.  "There are so many people in the stands again, I hate it," said Hayley annoyed, she's a girl from her volleyball team, and Millie gets along very well with her.

"I know, I don't feel like it at all today, but we'll make it. The other team is supposedly not really good anyway"

"There are a lot of professors here again, I don't understand why it's so special for everyone when have a match."
"Well, we play volleyball very well," Millie replied with a grin.

"But which professors are there?" she then asked curiously.  Millie didn't really care which professors saw them playing, but this time she was a little curious. But she would never admit that it was because of that one professor.

"A few media professors of mine, many sports, a lot that I don't know at all and this one hot professor from Egyptology," she replied, laughing.

"Ew Hayley, please don't say that, that's my Dad," Lucia said disgusted, but laughed slightly as she also sat down with Luna and Hayley. Lucia was also a girl from her team, but she had only been there since this semester. And she is Mr. Grant's daughter.

To this day, Joel didn't even know that these volleyball tournaments existed. Especially not that it was usual for students and professors to watch. Apparently volleyball has the same status as football at NYU.

But when one of his closest colleagues, Steven, asked him if he wanted to watch it with him since his daughter was on the team, he accepted the offer. Since his final divorce two months ago and the move from LA to New York, Joel hasn't really had much of a private life and was glad that he and Steven hit it off immediately.

When the girls came out of the dressing room, Steven started talking about her, "Ah see, that's my daughter. I'm so proud of her. She had been trying to play volleyball professionally for a long time and now she's finally on the team"

Since he didn't even know what his daughter looked like, he had no idea who Steven was talking about. But after seeing Millie, he didn't really look at the others either.

Like everyone else, Millie wore a volleyball jersey and these shorts in the typical NYU color: purple.

"Hey, do you want to go to a bar later? My wife is on a business trip and I'm really bored at home" Steven asked him a few minutes after the game started. "Okay that sounded a bit wrong, but I'm going to have some beer with friends later, you're welcome to come with me if you don't feel too bothered now" he quickly added with a laugh.

"Sure, thank you. I still have to find my way around here in New York anyway," Joel answered while watching Millie play. She was very good. And she was very good looking too, but that was a thought he ignored straight away.

When Millie scored a point, he noticed Kurtis in the stands across from him cheering loudly. Joel still didn't fully understand Millie's and Kurtis' relationship, so he was even more surprised when he saw Kurtis kissing the girl next to him. 

"She's talented. I think her name is Millie, she helped my daughter a lot to join the team and practiced with her," Steven pulled him out of his thoughts. 

"Oh yes, I noticed that too"
"Isn't she in one of your lectures?"
"Yes, she's my TA"

As if hearing them talking about her, Millie turned in Joel's direction and when she spotted him among the crowd, she started to smile unintentionally. He wanted to ignore it to be professional, but seeing her dimples made him smile a little too. Luckily for him, no one noticed, except for Clarissa.

After some time the game was over and Millie, Hayley and Lucia immediately hugged.  "As the team captain, I demand that we go out for a drink tonight," Hayley said with a grin.

"Yes, please" Lucia said happily. It was her freshman year at NYU so she was glad to make friends so quickly. 

"My friend's brother is in town right now, so we're going to have a drink with him. But I'm happy to take you with me, everyone already knows you Hayley, and Lucia, everyone will like you too," Millie replied.

Later that evening, Millie, Linh, Kurtis, Jess, and Clarissa were sitting in the living room of their apartment. Hayley and Lucia were already there and actually the group was just waiting for Danh, Linh's brother.

"And are you nervous about meeting Danny?" Jess asked, grinning as she saw Kurtis sitting quietly. Linh's brother is coming to New York from Boston and Linh decided to introduce Kurtis to him right away.

"Yes, I think he will hate me"
"What? No Kurtis, my brother is nice, the problem is more my parents" said Linh with a sigh.

"Nope, no bad mood is accepted today. We know Danny, he will like you. Aaand here's the first round" Jess said with a grin and brought a tray full of shot glasses, tequila, salt and lemons.

After everyone had already had three or more shots, Linh got a message from her brother. "Danny will meet us right there"

The group entered the bar in a good mood and already slightly drunk. But everyone would probably be in a different mood if they already knew that a new relationship would be formed tonight and that two old relationships would be destroyed.

They spotted a large table in the corner. As everyone sat down and looked at the cocktail and shot menu, Lucia also noticed something else. "Oh man, my Dad and his friends are here"

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Okay, I wanna hear your guesses about ‚a new relationship would be formed tonight and two old relationships would be destroyed' hehe

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