chapter twenty-two: boston

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"It's way too early oh my god" Kurtis said tiredly and pulled the hood of his sweater onto his head.

The students and professors got on the bus 10 minutes ago.  And now they had a four hour drive ahead of them. Millie leaned her head against the window. She was also tired and in a bad mood. Just seeing Ms. Connors for five minutes we're enough for Millie being annoyed.

But she wasn't jealous at all, she was just annoyed that Ms. Connors was constantly begging for Joel's attention. At least, that's what Millie told herself.

"Look, I brought us some snacks" Kurtis then said and got chocolate cookies and chips out of his backpack.

"Oh thank you" she said and had to smile again.

Millie slept the rest of the trip. And when they arrived in Boston at noon, their 'Boston tea party'-tour at the harbor began straight away.

After this was finished and they had also visited the freedom trail, it was 8pm. So the students decided to go to a bar and managed to persuade the professors to come along as they were keen to drink with them.

Millie and Kurtis were sitting at the bar with Tyler and Peter when she glanced over to the professors out of curiosity. She rolled her eyes when she saw Ms.Connors laughingly telling Joel something while putting her hand on his arm.

"Kurtis, wanna order another round?" she asked.

"But that's the last round, okay?" he then said, which she ignored.

After they got their drinks, Millie looked at Joel again while she sipped from the straw. He looked pretty happy and even laughed from time to time. And after a few seconds Joel looked at Millie, but didn't expect her to look at him as well. He faded out his colleagues next to him and watched her as she drank from the straw with a grin.

"Hey Millie, do you want to dance?" a voice suddenly asked behind her. Confused, she turned and then saw Ally and some other students behind her. "Uhm yeah sure" she said and got up. Where she was followed by Kurtis, Peter and Tyler.

She didn't know Ally well, she's also a student in the same classes as Millie, but she was pretty nice on the tour today.
So she had no problem dancing with her. And when some Shakira song came on, the group started dancing together.

Joel was involved in a conversation with his colleague. While Jennifer Connors was nice, he didn't really feel the need to spend much time with her. But since Steven and Layla were kinda inseparable right now, he had no other choice.

While she was talking next to him, Joel saw Tyler dance towards Millie from behind. She looked surprised for a moment, but then realized that she was standing in Joel's direction and started to grin. The two kept eye contact while Tyler slipped his arm around Millie's waist from behind and Joel took a sip of his beer to hide how tense he was right now.

He knows that Millie is allowed to dance with anyone she wants, he had no real reason to be upset about it. Still he would now prefer to pull Tyler away from Millie. But she wasn't drunk, she only had two glasses so he knew she could still think straight.

"Howl are you listening?" Jennifer then asked.

"Yes sorry" he replied with a charming smile and put his arm behind Jennifer on the back of the bench. Jennifer seemed quite happy about that but actually he did it because of Millie.

And Millie reacted exactly as he thought she would. The smile disappeared from her face when she saw the two.

Joel and Millie both knew there was something between them. Even though he said the two kisses were a mistake, she was always on his mind. And she felt the same way, Millie was never a jealous person, but when she saw that Joel had his arm behind Ms. Connors, she became a little jealous. Although she knew that she had no right to be, because he is her professor, nothing more.


Some hours later, Millie lay in the bed sleepless, although it was already 3am. Every time she tried to fall asleep she thought about what she was doing in the bar. She was completely sober again and regretted what she had done earlier.

Fuck i'm such a dumb idiot, she thought to herself and pressed her face into the pillow. He sometimes said that she was too childish, and trying to make him jealous was childish, wasn't it? Was he mad at her?

To at least prevent him from being angry, she picked up her phone and texted him,

'I'm sorry'

And surprisingly, after only a short time there came a reply. 

'I'd like to talk to you.
You wanna come over for a moment?
Room 328"

Millie looked warily over at Kurtis' bed in the other side of the room, but he was lying on his stomach with his face pressed into the pillow. And he snored so loud that all of Boston could probably hear him. Well, he probably wouldn't notice if she disappeared for a moment.

Fuck it, thought Millie and got up slowly and quietly from the bed. At the moment she was only wearing leggings and an oversized shirt, so she quickly pulled her hoodie over her head and took her phone and the room key.

She carefully opened the door and stuck her head out to make sure no one was in the hallway and could see her. After a few seconds she closed the door again and went to Joel's room.  She didn't want to knock so as not to make too much noise, but the door was locked.

So she texted him that she was there and only a few seconds later he quietly opened the door and immediately pulled her inside.

Unfortunately, both of them didn't notice that they were being watched.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

sooo, the next chapter is gonna be a bit *spicy*

if I can I'll post it today, but if not then tomorrow :)

okay and who do you think saw them at the end?

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now