chapter twelve: starbucks breakfast

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TW: Unfortunately, there is a homophobic comment from one character. just wanted to mention it here so you know that of course this is not okay at all! The character is heavily criticized for this. Everyone is welcome here, nobody should feel uncomfortable with my story, this is a safe place <3

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

When Millie woke up, she realized that it was no longer dark outside. What? Wasn't it late when she was with Joel?

When she opened her eyes completely and looked around, she immediately noticed that she wasn't at home. And then she realized that she wasn't alone. Her head rested on his shoulder and although the position actually looked a kinda uncomfortable, it was really comfortable. And Millie's nose was filled with the smell of his perfume or aftershave, whatever it was, it smelled damn good.

But afraid that he would wake up any minute and get mad at her for putting her head on his shoulder, she quickly pulled away and sat up.

"Fuck" she then mumbled as she looked at her phone. It was 10 in the morning. And she had countless messages from Linh, Kurtis and Jess. 

'Sorry, I slept, but I'm fine. I'll be home soon' she then answered Linh, who will certainly tell the others as well.

Fuck what should she do now? Millie had many options but she was sure she didn't want him to wake up. So she had no choice but to just leave quiet and fast, right?

She quickly packed her things and went to the front door. And when she carefully opened the door, she noticed that it was raining heavily, again. But to avoid an awkward encounter, she quickly left his apartment.

When Millie entered her apartment an hour later with a take-away bag from Starbucks, her friends bombarded her with questions. 

"Where have you been?",
"Why didn't you say something? We wanted to have breakfast together today?",
"Oh my god please tell me you slept at a guy's place"

Millie put the Starbucks bag on the table with a chuckle,
"I brought breakfast. Sorry guys, i fell asleep yesterday, wasn't on purpose"

"Oh? Well uhm do you have my butter croissant?" Kurtis asked.

"Yes, I brought all your favorite starbucks stuff with me," she replied laughing, and put the drinks and snacks on the table for them.

"You're really the best, thanks" Linh said with a grin and bit into her sandwich.

"I know, and uhm do you know where Clarissa is?" Millie then asked. She wasn't really upset that she couldn't see Clarissa after the drama. But it's Sunday morning after all, so she's curious where she is.

Kurtis and Linh looked at each other, a bit overwhelmed, but then at Jess. 


"Well she was really mad at you because you caught them and then yesterday when you weren't there she just yelled at everyone and said it's none of our business what happens in her life. And my brother ignores me too." explained Linh.

"It sounds like she's going to be mad at us for a while now.  Well imma be honest, I don't care" said Jess and took a sip of her caramel macchiato. 

"Yeah, even if she didn't mean it, she kinda threatened me. I don't wanna hear from her again until she apologizes to me."

"I'll never forgive her to be honest" Jess then said quietly.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now