chapter seventeen: hot chocolate

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okay i'm spoiling you guys rn 😘

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"Hi girl, how are you?" asked Linh, just walking to Millie's and Joel's booth. Up until now, she has been sitting bored with her phone in her hand because almost no one has been there for the last hour. It's lunch time, so almost everyone is eating anyway.

Joel was also on his lunch break. Apparently all the history professors went to dinner with the new professor so she could get to know everyone right away.

"Really tired, but otherwise okay, how about you?" Millie replied. 

"Yeah same. And my parents are coming in a few minutes, so I'm a little scared about Kurtis."

"You think it'll be that bad?"

"To be honest, yes. They shouldn't meet him yet, I didn't even tell them we're dating. But if I say that to Kurtis, he might be offended," Linh said in a dilemma.

"Kurtis knows that you love him very much. Don't worry what he will think about it. Your parents are very strict so I think he'll be able to understand that."

"I know" she said with a sigh and when she saw the empty chair next to Millie, she sat down. "I can sit here, right?"

"Yeah sure, my professor is on lunch break right now. I think he should come back soon, but then you can have my chair. I want to stand again anyway" she said.

After they talked for a few more minutes, Joel came back. Linh got up straight from the chair, pushed Millie off hers and sat on it.

"Oh, you could have stayed seated," he said with a chuckle, and then Millie also noticed that he wasn't alone. A woman was standing next to him, holding many folders in her hand.

"Millie, that's Layla. She is the new history professor in teaching and will perhaps be present at some of my lectures in the near future," Joel introduced the woman next to him.

"Hi Millie, you're the TA, right?" she said politely and held out her hand to her.

"Yes I am, nice to meet you" Millie replied and shook her hand with her un-broken hand.

„Likewise, and by the way I love your outfit. Looks very nice" Layla added. Millie was a bit surprised that she was so nice.

"Thank you, I like yours too" she replied politely. 

"Well, I have to go. I still have to prepare a few things for my start next week, nice to get to know you guys!" she said with a big smile, then waved and left the room. 

"Wow she's nice, I wish my professors were that nice," Linh said with a chuckle. Millie leaned against the booth and watched Linh fish her phone out of her pocket and start texting. 

Out of the corner of her eye she then noticed that Joel placed two coffee to go on the table. Oh, had Layla forgotten hers? But that question was kinda unnecessary as he slid the cup over to her across the table.

She then picked up the mug and realized it was hot chocolate. She grinned slightly and then mouthed a 'thank you' to Joel. That was really nice of him, because a few hours ago she said that she really wants a hot chocolate.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now