chapter thirty-five: the ex-wife

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Day two of the finals was tough for Millie. But it wasn't the exam, she just couldn't concentrate. Not at all. Having Joel in the same room didn't make it any better. And even worse, Ms. Connors was standing next to him.

She hated Ms. Connors for having to end this. And the fact that she now also had to see how she was standing next to Joel and chatting quietly with him, made her upset.

But she didn't look at Joel. She didn't want to see him and ignored him. Of course it wasn't his fault, but somehow she was mad at him too. Maybe if he hadn't spent so much time with Ms. Connors in the past, she might not have done any of this.


Jennifer Connors has always loved being a teacher. It was her passion. Until she made a big mistake. She was afraid of losing her job and had no choice but to do what was asked of her.

Two years ago she had an affair. Although it was more than an affair to her, she was in love. But the only problem was that he was the president of Stanford University. And Jennifer didn't know he was married and fell in love with him immediately.

And the Stanford president's wife worked for the United States Secretary of Education. So she knew that this woman could ensure that she was never allowed to work as a teacher again.

She thought no one would have noticed, but a professor at Stanford knew. And this professor now made life hell for Jennifer. This woman was crazy and only recently did Jennifer find out who this woman was, Joel's ex-wife.

Jennifer was desperate and in love. And then when this woman blackmailed her, she had no other choice. Joel's ex-wife did not agree with the divorce at all. And when she found out that her ex-husband was getting closer to one of his students, she was more than just a little mad.

She couldn't understand why Joel wanted a divorce. She loved him and in her opinion she treated him perfectly. She didn't mind that she wanted to forbid him from seeing his family and friends and that she wanted to persuade him to start a family.

So Jennifer had no other choice. She liked Joel, he was nice and she was happy to have a new colleague or maybe even a new friend. Until his ex-wife blackmailed her. Jennifer should end the relationship between Joel and the student, otherwise her own affair would come out. And so she did it to protect herself.


After today's exam, Millie sat in the library in a bad mood. She had absolutely no desire to do anything and even considered quitting. Not only did she consider quitting her job at the library, but also her position as a teachers assistant. She just didn't want to see Joel anymore. Millie was pretty sure that she now wanted to do the semester abroad.

She had told Linh about that, too. Millie told her about her plan for the semester abroad yesterday, and just yesterday Linh was at the gynecologists and she found out that she really is pregnant with a healthy baby.

So Linh didn't tell her. She was sad, she didn't want Millie to go. But she wouldn't forgive herself for destroying Millie's dreams either.

Linh's plan was to tell Millie yesterday, and then asking her if she would like to be the godmother. But she didn't, because Linh knew if she asked Millie that, Millie wouldn't leave.

A few minutes before the library closed, the door opened again and the little bell snapped Millie out of her thoughts.

Some minutes later, someone joined her at the counter and without looking up, she just mumbled, "How can I help?"

About five books and an ID were placed in front of her and when she saw the photo on it she looked up in surprise.

"What do you want here? You know my working hours. Why don't you come some other time?" she asked, but still scanned the books.

Joel sighed slightly when he saw how hurt Millie was.

"I need these books today and I wanted to see how you are"

"How am I supposed to be?" she asked back after she had also scanned his card.

"Millie don't think this situation makes me happy," he whispered, taking the card back from her hand while stroking her fingers lightly.

"I don't wanna talk to you. The books are ready, you can go now" she replied and started ignoring him again. She just wanted him to go. If he won't leave, she would be afraid that she would start crying immediately.

"I'm so sorry about everything, I never wanted you to get hurt"

"Didn't you say distance will do us good?"

"I know what I said, but you looked so sad earlier, I just had to see you"

"No, you were right, distance is good. I will quit the TA-job and do the semester abroad" she said without looking at him.

Realizing that it was probably a stupid idea to come here, Joel nodded slowly and left the library without saying anything else.

It was killing him to see her like that. She was everything to him. And the news that she was going to disappear completely from his life, almost brought tears to his eyes.

He didn't want to let that happen. If Millie really wants to go, then he'd let her. He would be happy for her if she can make her dreams come true. But he wanted her to have a choice, and to know that she could always be by his side.

That's why he decided to talk to Ms. Connors again, there had to be a way to sort it all out.

He just wanted to be with Millie.


A few minutes later, Millie locked the library behind her and approached Linh outside. The two girls had agreed to have dinner together.

"Hi girl," Linh said sympathetically, knowing she wasn't feeling well.

"Hi Linh" she replied and hugged her. 

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes," she lied. And Linh noticed the lie immediately. So she tried to distract her. 

"Hey, I'd really like some bubble tea, you wanna go get some?It's only a few subway stations away"

Millie nodded and they made their way to the subway station.

"You wanna listen to music together again?" Millie then asked as the two sat down on the subway. Her headphones broke a month ago, and for the past few weeks, Millie and Linh have made it a habit to listen to music through Linh's headphones.

"Sure," Linh replied, handing her one of the cords with the earbud.

Millie rolled her eyes as Linh immediately turned on Taylor Swift's 'Wildest Dreams'. She would rather hear anything else than love songs right now, but she didn't say anything about it, because she knew that it's Linh's favorite song.

Minutes later, as they got off the subway, Kurtis called Linh. 

"Oh should I-?" Millie asked, motioning to take out the headphones. 

"No it's okay, I think he just wants to talk about Friendsmas" Linh replied with a grin and picked up the call. She wanted to warn Kurtis that she wasn't alone and that Millie was listening, but it was too late for that because he started talking directly. 

"Hi, how is my sexy pregnant girlfriend?" he asked and they could even hear the smirk in his voice.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Okay, what do you think of Ms. Connors now?

And I FINALLY posted another chapter of
my Joel Miller fic ‚Guilty Love'
Feel free to drop by over there :)

If you're still interested in that story,
I would now also update it regularly! <3

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