chapter twenty-six: i like you

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I couldn't wait for tomorrow,
so here's a fluffy filler chapter!

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

An hour later, Joel discussed the grades of the thesis with the individual groups.

"Soo, 'Criticism of the war on drugs during the Ronald Reagan administration' is next please" Joel said and waited for Millie and Kurtis to come down to his desk.

"You are one of the best groups, if not the best," he said as the two sat down at his desk in the lecture hall. 

"Really? Thank you" Kurtis said with a grin and hugged Millie.

"Yeah thanks" she murmured. 

Millie was somehow overwhelmed with the situation. Of course she was happy to be praised for their good work. But she was also kind of nervous about being so close to Joel again.

"Can you please stay here after the lecture?" Joel asked her when the two got up.

"Why?" she asked back confused. First he ignored her for almost a month, and now this?

"Because of the registration for the semester abroad" he explained. 

"Oh yeah, sure," she said and they went back to their seats.

A few hours later, the hall emptied and when there were no other students in the room, Millie stood next to the desk.


"You should submit the thesis when you register. It's above average and will definitely increase your chances," he explained.

"Uhm yes okay. Was that what you wanted to tell me? Why couldn't you say that in front of Kurtis?"

"Oh, I could have. But I wanted to talk to you alone"

Nervously, she supported herself with her hands on the desk.

"How come? You haven't spoken to me for a month now?"

"I know. But I did it to protect you, Millie"

"From what?"

"So that we wouldn't have done anything that would make you regret it"

"What makes you think I'd regret it?"

Joel sighed softly and leaned back in his chair.

"Millie you're so young, you deserve someone who is a good match and can keep up with you, okay?"

"So you think you're not a good match for me?" she asked then, beginning to fumble with her fingers lightly.

Joel chuckled lightly and rubbed his face with his hand,
"I shouldn't be answering that after seeing you in that car earlier"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, does he make you happy?"

"What? What the fuck are you talking about? We're not dating or anything. I can't even really stand him"

"No?" he asked.

"No" she replied and Joel put his hand gently on Millie's.

"Why are you being like this? You change your mind about liking me every five minutes," she whispered, staring at his hand that was on hers.

"That's not true, I like you, okay?" he whispered and Millie felt her cheeks getting warmer.

"Then why have you ignored me for a whole month?" she asked softly.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now