chapter six: the call

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"Why do you look so exhausted?" Linh asked with a chuckle as Millie sat down on the sofa next to her.
"Because I am. Volleyball training" she replied and closed her eyes as she leaned against the armrest.
"Yeah makes sense, you stink"

"What? I stink?" she then asked, slightly panicked. She stinks and was sitting in her professor's car like that? But she was taking a shower after training?

"Just kidding, chill, you don't stink. You actually smell like mango. Or passion fruit? I don't know .. wait, that's my shower gel right?" she asked offended.

"Yep, mine was empty so I took yours in the morning. I know you don't use it anyway because you hate mango, but I can buy you a new one if you want that back, don't worry"

Millie didn't smell bad, she actually smelled pretty good. Because Joel's whole car smelled of mango and passion fruit after she got out.

And it took him almost half an hour to get home. He didn't necessarily live far from Millie, but it was still quite a detour to get her home. But that was clear to him right from the start, and yet he didn't want to let her walk home in the heavy rain.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

On the next day, Thursday, only a few minutes before 8 am., she was sitting in Mr. Miller's office. She was setting up Kurtis' exam, which he has to write soon.
"Do you think he's well prepared?" Joel asked her.
"Hm yes I think so, we studied a lot together during the holidays for his exam"

"Oh you did?"

"Yeah, I'd be bored if we weren't in the same year anymore," she replied with a chuckle, which made Joel wonder if Millie and Kurtis were actually a couple.

The two seemed inseparable. When Millie wasn't alone in Joel's office because of TA-stuff, he really only saw the two of them together.

It would be really quite inappropriate, but he wanted to ask her if the two are a couple. Out of curiosity - of course - he is simply interested in all his students.

But before he could ask anything that he might regret, the door opened and Kurtis came in.

He wrote the exam within 15 minutes and knew everything except for two answers, which meant that he could continue this semester normally.

Luckily, the lecture after his exam went by pretty quickly and Kurtis talked about nothing else but Tyler's party and how excited he was to go to the party with Linh.

But just as she was about to leave the room after the lecture with Kurtis, Tyler and Peter, she heard someone calling for her. 

"Millie, could you please stay for a moment?"

She said goodbye to her friends and went back to Mr. Miller's table. "How can I help?" she asked politely after noticing that her professor was looking quite stressed.

"I talked to Susanne earlier, she said that she goes to the 'American Museum of natural history' with you guys every second Monday every new semester," he explained. 

"Shit yeah, I didn't think about the museum this time either, I usually got the tickets. I'm really sorry Mr. Miller"

"It's not your fault Millie, but do you think you could organize it for Monday?" he asked, scribbling something on a small piece of paper.  "Um, yes, of course, I'll try my best," she replied, and he handed her the paper. Confused, she drew her eyebrows together when she realized that his private phone number was on the note.

"Since I can't always be reached by mail, you can also text me and I'll see it right away. If you have any questions about the museum or TA stuff in general. But please don't pass it on or something like that"

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