chapter fourty-four: the end

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Thanks to everyone who has been a loyal reader so far;
I wanna know what your favorite moment in the book was?

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Millie was happier than ever. It was graduation day and Kurtis and Millie stood next to each other in the gowns, grinning.

"We really made it" he murmured with a smile and hugged Millie tightly.

"Did you have any doubts that we wouldn't make it?"

"Well yeah, you may be one of the best of the year, but I suck at studying. I'm so glad it's finally over"

"Yeah me too, but I'm going to miss you and Linh" she replied and looked at Linh in the audience.

"We'll still see each other, Millie," Kurtis replied.

Linh decided to move out of the apartment, because Linh and Kurtis are going to move in together. Which of course makes sense, so they can raise the baby together.

But after much deliberation, Jess and Millie then also decided to give up the apartment. Jess and Hayley want to move to London. So Millie could stay in the apartment for a few more months, then she too would have to look for a new apartment. Maybe she could even find one closer to Joel's.

Millie had no idea what to do with her life. But she didn't care. She graduated and could finally be with Joel without any problems.

When Millie got on stage, she shook hands first with the NYU president, then with the department head. And then she came to Joel, who also shook her hand.

"Congratulations," he told her with a sweet smile.

"Thank you," she replied and couldn't help but smile widely, too. She would have loved to hug him, but she knew that that wasn't possible in front of all the professors and students.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Two weeks later, Millie and Joel were sitting on the beach in Santa Monica. "It's so beautiful here," she mumbled, watching the sea. They've been in California for a week and Millie loved it.

"I never wanna go back" she added.

"Yeah, I miss being here a lot too to be honest" he replied and hugged Millie tighter. He gently stroked her hair, which was still wet since both were in the sea a few minutes ago.

"The week has passed so quickly," she said sadly.

He watched Millie's face sideways, "Do you know what you want to do now? Like job-wise"

"I think I would like to be a teacher too" she replied. She told him that when they first met. And Joel was glad she still wanted that. Because he already had planned something.

"I was hoping you would say that. You know, your old professor Mrs. Gilberts is coming back next semester"

Millie looked at him sadly, "You're leaving New York?"

"I don't know yet. They want me to continue teaching at NYU. But I also got an offer to go back to California" he explained.

"So you're considering going back to Stanford?" she asked. Why would he do that? Going back to the university his ex-wife works at?

"No" he replied with a chuckle. He knew exactly what she was thinking.

"What do you mean then?" Millie asked impatiently.

"UCLA wants me to work for them"

"UCLA? Wow, uhm that's really great" she replied. She really wanted to be happy for him. But she didn't want him to leave her again.

"Yes, I felt very honored. But I told them that I would only accept the offer if they would also hire a history professor in training" he replied with a smile.

"You - what?" she asked back excited.

"And they said yes"

"Oh my god, really?" she asked excitedly and sat up straight to look at Joel.

"Yes. I just want to be with you. That's the only thing that matters to me. If you wanna stay in New York, I'll keep teaching at NYU. If you wanna move to California with me to become a professor at UCLA yourself, then we'll do it together too. Just you and me. And Jiji"

Millie gave him a flabbergasted look, "I love you so much" she mumbled and felt her eyes getting a bit teary.

"I love you too" he replied and pulled her closer to kiss her. They both grinned into the kiss and Millie placed her hands on his chest.

"I wanna move to LA with you" she said and Joel let out a relieved breath. He really wanted to go back to LA, but not without Millie.

"Are you sure?"


After spending a few more hours on the beach, the sunset slowly came.

"Millie?" he asked her nervously.

"Yeah?" she asked looking up at him. Joel sat on the towel and Millie's head lay on his lap while he gently stroked her head.

"I wanted to ask you something else."

"Whats wrong?" she asked, realizing he was a bit tense.

"Can you sit up for a moment please?" he asked her and Millie sat on the sand across from him.

He took her hand in his, "I know we've only been together for half a year. And we've only known each other for 10 months. But I know I don't want to live without you. And I'm not getting any younger. You will always be the best part of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" he asked her after he had crouched down on one leg in front of her and took a ring out of his pocket.

Speechless, she stared at him with wide eyes. This was everything she ever wanted.

"Yes" she replied after a few seconds and tears started to run down her cheeks. She immediately hugged him and Joel kissed her softly on her forehead while also tearing up.




thank you so much for reading this fic!

This is the first time I've finished writing a story. And I only did that because all your support motivated me so much! I am so thankful for every read, vote and comment!

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