chapter three: the library

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Unfortunately, Millie couldn't sleep for long the next day either.  Just before 8 she was in the NYU library. She worked there alongside her courses.

She sat at the desk with the computer and logged into the system. At least there wasn't much going on that early.

She sighed and looked closely at her calendar.

"Excuse me?" a voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
"How can i help you?" she asked politely without looking up because she was still scribbling on her calendar. For whatever reason she felt the need to draw different landscapes on her timetable.

"I need a card to borrow books for the lectures," said the familiar voice again. This time she looked up.

"Oh hi professor. Yeah sure, you probably have to register in the system first," she replied.

"Oh okay, can you do that for me Millie?" he asked back. 
For whatever reason, she was happy when he said her name. So he remembered hers, even though yesterday he said that it's going to be hard to learn everyone's names. That's a good sign that she's going to be TA, isn't it?

She nodded and took a new form out of a folder. There she wrote his name and the date on it. "You only have to write down your number, then I can forward it and the card should come in a few days," she explained.

She handed him the pen and he filled out the form, "You write very beautifully"

"Oh thanks" she murmured.

He gave her the form back and she put it to the printer to scan it later.

"But as a professor you don't have to wait for the card, you can already borrow books. The history books are on the 1st floor, then right, then left and then in the 3rd aisle" she explained.

He looked visibly confused by her explanation, "It's not busy, I can show you if you'd like. The library is huge so it's a little difficult to find your way around at first," she offered.

"That would be very nice, thank you," he replied. Millie got up and walked to the history books with the professor at her side.

"So here's everything your heart should desire," she said with a chuckle.

"Thank you"

"No problem, please just come back downstairs so I can write down which books you're going to borrow" she told him with a polite smile before walking back to her table. And after taking a few books, he decided to leave again.

"Is that all?" she asked as she took the books from his hand to scan them.
"Yes" "Okay, youre free to go, I guess the card should be there by Thursday or Friday at the latest, then you can pick it up"

"Thanks Millie, see you later then" he said after she gave him the books again.

"Later?" she asked confused.

"The lecture at 1pm" he explained. "Oh yes of course, see you later Mr. Miller, bye"

The time until 1pm passed pretty quickly, Joel spent it setting up his new office, going through Susanne's documents and even reading a few emails about the TA. He was quite surprised that so many are interested. There were 14 emails in a course of 120 students. And all 14 were girls, which didn't really surprise him.

Even at Stanford, he noticed that some students liked him a little too much as a teacher. But he always ignored it skillfully.
He never really understood what 20-year-old girls found in him anyway.

But what surprised him was that there was no mail from Millie. Apparently she was so desperate to be TA, and now there wasn't even an email from her? Maybe she just didn't want to anymore. She seemed pretty embarrassed when he heard her talking about a student who wanted to sleep with him.

But Joel knows the limits, he would never sleep with a student.

Or so he thought.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

At 1pm, Millie was again sitting next to Kurtis in the lecture hall. She was tired and hungry. She didn't get to eat anything yet, fortunately history only goes until 3 pm today. That's why she will go out to eat with her three friends right after the lecture. And Kurtis basically begged her to let him come along,

"You would really make me very happy if I could come with you," Kurtis whispered. Millie sighed and gave in, "I'll ask the others if it's okay, alright?"

"Thanks, you know, last night I decided that I'm going to talk to Linh."

"Oh my god really?" she exclaimed happily.

"Yep, I'll talk to her and maybe she likes me too, and if not then I'll stop it. But if I don't try, I'll never know"
"That's exactly what I told you the whole time," she said with a grin.

"Millie, Kurtis, are you planning to attend the lecture again?" interrupted Mr. Miller.

"Yes, sorry sir" she said quickly.

"Please come and see me after the lecture," the professor said and continued with the topic.


"I'm sorry," Kurtis murmured, "It's okay, we talked once, we won't get in trouble," she answered quietly, so that the professor couldn't hear it.

At least she hoped that you wouldn't get in trouble, she can probably forget being TA now. First her childish behavior towards Mr. Miller and now she doesn't pay attention during the lecture, fuck.

Millie didn't say a word to Kurtis for the rest of the lecture. She wasn't angry with him, but she didn't want to make another bad impression on Mr. Miller. As all the other students left the hall, she and Kurtis went to the desk. 

"Kurtis, you don't have to stay, I just wanted to talk to Millie for a moment," said Mr. Miller, who was sitting in the chair behind the desk.

"Oh well, well then I'll wait for you outside, bye" said Kurtis and left the room.

The professor waited until the door closed again and then turned to Millie. He was about to start speaking, but she already started talking,

"Sorry that we disturbed the lecture earlier, it won't happen again, I promise," she said quickly. 

"What?" he asked back confused.  "Uh, well, because we were talking when you were explaining something"

"Oh, that, yes you should have private conversations during the break or after the lecture. But that's not what it's about now," he said, relieving Millie.

"Oh?" she said relieved. At least she didn't get in trouble from the new professor on the second day. 

"Yes, it's because of the TA-thing" he explained.

"So, have you already decided?" she quickly asked back nervously.

"All other mails were pretty rubbish, I was just surprised that you didn't send me one"

Oh Fuck, she forgot.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I completely forgot. Usually I'm not that forgetful, I promise" she hastily explained, making him chuckle. 

"All good, you can have the position if you still want it"

"Oh God yes thank you!" she exclaimed happily. 
"No problem, if you have time this week, maybe we could meet and discuss everything"
"Yes, sure, I'm actually always free anyway"


"Yes, well, if there's no lecture, or I work in the library, or there's volleyball training or a fine arts club. Otherwise I have time."

"Hm okay well how does tomorrow work for you?"
"Yes, tomorrow morning is fine. I don't have fine-arts-club until 2pm on Wednesdays"

"Okay, I have a lecture until 10am, you're welcome to come after that, you know where my office is anyway"

"Okay, I'll do that, thanks Mr. Miller" she said happily. 

"Thank you again, bye," she thanked him again and left the room so her friends wouldn't have to wait long.

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