chapter thirty-four: over now

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I think I've already said it a few times,
but don't worry, Millie won't get pregnant :)

and sorry the chapter took a little longer than expected.
I really didn't know how to write that.
But the moment had to come.. :(

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Millie and Kurtis have been sitting in the NYU library since 6 am, to go through the material together again.

After they had studied a bit for the finals, Joel and the head of the history department suddenly stood in front of them.

"Ms. Gonzalez, Mr Allen. We have to talk, please come with me," he said seriously. Confused and a little unsure, Millie and Kurtis looked at each other, but then got up.

"Is there a problem?" Millie asked nervously. Since Joel was also here, she was immediately afraid that they got caught. But then why would Kurtis need to come along?

"We shouldn't talk about this in the hallway, follow me" was all he said to that, and Millie and Kurtis started following them.

And when she realized that they were walking towards the NYU president's office, she only got more nervous. But when they entered the room and Mr. Grant and Tyler were also sitting there, Millie was even more confused, but also a little calmer.

"Nice that you are here, please sit down" the president said to Millie and Kurtis while she pointed to the two empty chairs.

"Thanks to Mr. Miller, we noticed some unacceptable things happened, that are not welcome at our university"

Millie looked over at Joel first and then at Tyler, who just looked at the floor, unimpressed.

"Ms. Gonzalez, Mr. Allen, is it true that the bruises on your faces are from Mr. Martin?"

"Uh yeah" Kurtis answered.

"Bruises? Come on, you can't even really see anything on their faces" Tyler said annoyed. 

"That's because we have make-up on," Millie said, crossing her arms. Linh got up at 5am in the morning to put concealer on both of their faces.

"You both? That's a little gay Kurtis"

"Excuse me? Such a language is not tolerated here," the president replied immediately.

Tyler just scoffed and closed his eyes in annoyance.

"Unfortunately, that's not all. You have violated our policy many times. In this semester alone you have committed the following things: harassment, bullying, sexual misconduct, destruction of NYU property, and you hurt other students physically and mentally"

"Why do you know that?" Tyler asked angrily. But he didn't realize himself that he was also admitting everything at the same time.

"Mr. Miller and Mr. Grant found witnesses for every single act. Most of it even happened on campus and was thus recorded by security cameras"

"Okay, can we clear that up afterwards and do the finals now? I have more important things to do than having this stupid unnecessary talk"

"Mr. Martin, you won't have to worry about the final examinations anymore. With all these actions, you are expelled. With so many violated acts, we cannot make an exception" she said sternly, handing Tyler a note.

He got up angrily and stormed out of the room without saying another word. Surprised, Millie and Kurtis stared at the door Tyler was walking through. They had expected a lot, but certainly not this.

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