• chapter twenty-seven: sleep over •

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as you could probably already guess,
it's going to be a bit spicy again ;)

smut warning: oral sex (m receiving)

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

A few minutes after he drove off, Joel put his right hand on her thigh, which made Millie look over at him with a smile. He focused on the road and Millie put her hand on his. He then interlaced their fingers and turned their hands over so his was on top again.

After a few minutes of silence, Joel noticed Millie looking up. With a surprised face she looked at the cars moonroof.

"Oh my god this is so beautiful. I've never noticed that your car has that" she murmured and watched the night sky, she could even see the moon.

"Yes, I like it a lot too, it's just a pity that you can hardly ever see the stars in New York," he replied and briefly looked at Millie's face before he looked back at the street. Millie was really cute looking up at the sky with her big eyes, which made Joel smile softly.

Arriving at his apartment, Joel made Millie a cup of tea because he noticed that she was still a little cold. 

"Here you go" he said and put the tea in her hand. 

"Thank you," Millie replied as he sat down next to her with music playing in the background.

"You look very good today, red suits you very well," he said.  Millie wore a tight red turtleneck and black pants. But no matter what she wore, she looked beautiful. 

"Thank you, you too," she replied shyly, making him grin slightly.  "You've been shy lately, hm?"

„Yeah I know, sorry"

„No don't be sorry, it's cute"

„You think so?" She often got compliments on how good she looked, but when they came from Joel, it was kinda different.

"Yes, that's why I feel very honored that you are with me right now," he replied with a grin and put his arm around her. 

"Well, there's no other place I'd rather be right now," she said honestly.

He had to laugh briefly, "So that boy, in whose car you were in the morning, is no competition for me?"

"No, he can't even get close to you," she replied with a grin. 

"Oh, Is that so?" he whispered back and kissed her. During the kiss he carefully placed her tea on the living room table and then pulled her onto his lap.

"Yeah," she murmured between kisses and put her hands in his hair, beginning to tug at it lightly.

"Then why did you kiss his cheek?" he asked in a raspy voice, also tugging her ponytail slightly.

The answer was clear. She knew Joel had seen her there and she wanted to make him jealous, but she would never admit that in front of him.

He broke the kiss to look into her eyes. 
"You wanted to make me jealous, huh?" he whispered, gently wrapping his hand around her neck. 

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now