chapter fourteen: a black cat

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thanks for 30k reads. I love you so much!

(and we'll get to the first kiss very soon)

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Joel had often told Millie that she could just go home if she wanted. He knows she wasn't feeling well, but she insisted on coming to the lecture so that she could work on the thesis with Kurtis.

In today's lecture, Joel allowed the students to work on it for the two hours.

"Well, we're really going to write the best thesis of all," Kurtis said proudly with a grin. "We've just finished the brainstorming and one chapter," Millie replied with a chuckle. 

"Yes but everyone else is stupid"

Just as she was about to say something, the two were cut off. "Hey Millie, umm did you hear from Clarissa? She hasn't answered me for a few days," whispered Peter. 

Kurtis and Millie looked at each other briefly, then she replied, "She hasn't been in the apartment for a few days either. I think she's moving out. I'm sorry Peter"

She felt really bad, apparently Clarissa still hadn't told him. Should she tell him?  Well she wasn't in any position to tell him that his girlfriend was cheating on him, was she? Shouldn't Clarissa tell him herself?

"Well if you see her please tell her to call me"

"Yeah sure," Millie murmured. She would first have to think a little about whether she is in a position to tell Peter.

The next two hours passed pretty quickly and all the students were working on their thesis. As they all packed up after class, Kurtis picked up his backpack and asked Millie, "Hey, can we all have dinner together tonight? I'll do something with Linh now, but thought around 7pm or something. We can also ask Jess, Hayley and Lucia"

"Yeah sure would be nice" Millie replied while packing up too.

"Okay, we'll see each other later. I have to go to Linh now. You need any help?"

"No it's okay, go ahead. Have fun, see you later" Millie said with a smile.

Kurtis quickly left the room. Whatever he was planning to do with Linh, he seemed excited.

After Millie finally packed everything together, she was the last one in the room. It wasn't that easy to pack everything up quickly with a broken arm.

When she then wanted to leave the room, she looked again briefly at Mr. Miller, and then noticed that he was already looking at her. She stopped, should she say something else?  or just go? But then he made that decision for her,  "Millie"

"Yes?" she asked, walking to his desk. "Are you feeling better?" he asked softly and not too loud, although no one else was in the room anyway.

"Yes, thanks again" she said. "Really?" he asked again. 
"Yes, really" she replied honestly.

"Okay, if you need a break then it's no problem if you stay at home for a few days" "I know, but then I'll miss your great history lectures" she replied with a grin.

Mr. Miller chuckled lightly as he slipped his laptop and books into his bag. 

"Well uhm I gotta go now, thanks again" she added and then quickly left the hall.


Two hours later, Millie was standing at a bus station in front of a shopping center. She bought some supplies for the university and for drawing, even if she wasn't very good at that thanks to her arm at the moment.

Annoyed, she had been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes, which should have come 10 minutes ago.

While playing a game on her phone to make the time pass faster, she recognized a familiar car in the mall parking lot. 
And a few seconds later she saw Mr. Miller, who was putting a few bags full of groceries into his car. Since it was cold and she was quite tired, she briefly thought of going over to him.  maybe he would take her home again.

But then again, She can't ask that of him again. He had brought her home twice already. Besides, what would he think if she randomly talked to him in a parking space. Maybe he would think she was here on purpose or went after him or something.

But it was just a coincidence, after all this was the largest and closest mall. She ignored the thought again and went back to the game on her phone.

Joel was just putting his groceries into the car when he saw a familiar face out of the corner of his eye. He didn't have his glasses on, so it was a bit difficult for him to see them clearly. But when he recognized the dark hair and the cast on his arm, he knew straight away who was sitting and waiting at the bus station. She had a big bag next to her and looked at her phone.

But Joel noticed that she occasionally glanced over at him. Should he go to her and say something? Although it would probably be a little weird for Millie if her professor happened to approach her in a parking lot.

When he had finished putting everything in his car, he noticed that Millie was still waiting for the bus, annoyed. He should take her home right? After all, it takes her an hour to get home from here by bus.

But she's his student. He shouldn't have anything to do with students outside of the university anyway. Nevertheless he has brought her home twice already and felt a little sorry now as she sat there waiting. He shouldn't even care about her.

Millie had a really damn hard day today, so he decided he would talk to her one last time outside of the university, and after that they should stop.

And even though Millie has now become his favorite student, it's not normal for the two to spend so much time together, right?

But when he looks at her, he sees an ambitious, strong and kind young woman.

So he took out his phone and texted her.

And just a few seconds later she looked up from her phone with a big smile, picked up her bag and came over to him.

"Hi" she said smiling as she stood in front of him, "Wouldn't that bother you? Driving me home?" she added.

"Otherwise I wouldn't have offered it, would I?" he asked, also smiling, and took her bags to put them in the car.

"Thank you," she murmured as he held the door open for her to get in his car. Again.

"Besides, you're injured, so you don't have to use public transport."

"I hurt my arm, not my legs," she replied, grinning as he also got in the driver's seat in his car.

"Yes, but it's not a safe area here anyway and if I drive you home, I know that you'll get home safely," he replied, to which she just nodded and turned straight away to look out the window. However, he could still see her blushing slightly.

The first few minutes of the drive passed without the two speaking a word to each other. He only noticed that she looked over at him from time to time. He suppressed the urge to look over at her as well and concentrated on the street, until she started yelling out loud, "Wait, stop!"

"Huh?" he immediately glanced over at her to make sure she was alright. But she was fine, her eyes were on the road.  "Whats wrong?" he asked.

"You have to stop, there's an injured cat on the sidewalk"

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

tell me some cute male cat names!
the cat will not appear for the last time :)

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now