chapter thirty-seven: christmas eve

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i think (or hope) you're gonna love me after this chapter 😌

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

The rest of the week of the finals passed quickly. And then it was already Christmas Eve. Millie never expected much from Christmas, she usually spends it alone. Linh, Kurtis and Jess have all already left for their family's home, so since this morning, Millie was alone in the apartment.

Millie could've joined Linh to visit her family, but she didn't want to disrupt their family time. So she sat in the living room until the early evening and binge watched all four hunger games movies.

She never felt good on holidays, she always was lonely. But this time it was particularly bad. Because she had kinda wished that she could spend Christmas with Joel.

But now she wouldn't want to see him anymore anyway. At first she was just mad at Ms. Connors because she ruined everything. But now she was also a bit mad at Joel. Millie couldn't understand why he comforted Ms. Connors when she sat crying on his sofa.

After all she's done, and he's still nice to her? Maybe that made Millie more upset than it should, but she didn't care. She never liked Ms. Connors. And although she would never admit it, at first she was damn jealous of her.

Millie is a mess. She felt like shit and didn't even remember the last time she was this sad. And then she saw the polaroid camera that she bought for Joel, and it only got worse. She spent the whole day crying.

And the worst thing was that she and Joel weren't even a real couple. So she cried that hard just because of a man she only fucked twice.

But eventually she got a bit bored, so she decided to text Liam, a friend of Jess. Although he wasn't necessarily Jess' friend, more like her dealer. But they all got along pretty well with him.

That's how Millie ended up sitting in a Mc Donald's parking lot with Liam at 8pm on Christmas Eve. They both sat high in his car and laughed at some story he was telling.

"Thank you, you saved my day" Millie said with a grin and took another hit.

"Likewise, I was bored too"

"Aren't you celebrating with your family or something?"

"Nah, they're in Australia," he replied with a chuckle.

"Oh, sorry"

"It's okay. You wanna get more fries?"

"Sure" Millie replied and they got out of his car to go back inside the Mc Donald's.

Inside, they tried their best not to laugh all the time and act normal while ordering food.

But what Millie didn't realize was that they were all staring at them as they were quite loud. Even someone she wasn't expecting at all.

Joel and his brother took his brother's son to Mc Donald's because he was literally begging for some ice cream.

But he hadn't expected that Millie was here. In a Mc Donalds, on the other side of New York. Her apartment was easily half an hour away, so he was quite surprised to see her here.

And he immediately noticed that she wasn't acting normally. And he didn't know the guy next to her either. Who the fuck is that?

When Millie then went around the corner to the restroom, Joel got up too. "I'll be right there, okay?"

He went after her and waited a bit, but she didn't come out. And since he was sure she was high, he got worried.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now