chapter five: a car ride

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"What exactly did you do for Susanne?" Joel asked while turning on the computer. When he didn't get an answer after a few seconds, he looked over at her. She didn't seem to have even noticed that he had asked a question, apparently she was quite lost in thought. 

"Millie?" he tried again.
"Huh?" she snapped back out of her thoughts.

"Everything alright?"
"Yep, just tired, sorry"
"So what did you do for Susanne?"

„Well um a lot of stuff, like answering questions on piazza, helping with lesson preparation, grading homework, taking attendance, and sometimes Mrs Gilberts even wanted me to calculate grades and attend faculty meetings"

"Oh yeah that's a lot, wasn't that too tiring for you?" he asked.

"No, I'll do whatever you want" she said, but then quickly corrected herself embarrassed, „Well i mean I'll do any work you want"

"Well you don't have to do that much. And you still get your hourly wage"

„Oh okay, what tasks should i take on for you?"

"We didn't use Piazza at Stanford. So if you would continue to do that, that would be great," he told her.

"Yeah sure, you just have to enter me as your TA in the system, otherwise I can't answer any questions"

Joel nodded but didn't really know what to do with the information. But after noticing that she was looking at him expectantly, he spoke again, "Oh, you mean right now?"

"Yeah, that would be useful," she replied with a chuckle.

"Sounds logical, but unfortunately I have no idea what you want from me now," Joel answered, also chuckling.

"You'd just have to log in and I could do the rest if that's okay with you," she replied. Joel logged in and then handed the keyboard slightly over to her.

"Thanks" she murmured and sat up straight to reach the keyboard better. But what she didn't notice was that she pressed her leg lightly against his.

At first he wanted to say something, but then decided not to since she gets embarrassed so easily anyway. He watched her face as she focused on the screen. She had those big dark doe-like eyes, some freckles on her nose and cheeks and plump lips.

As a teacher you notice a few things. Who hates someone, who is dating someone, but also things like that some students really enjoyed looking at Millie.

But he can't blame them, she's actually very beautiful. At least he would think so if he were her age. Since he is much older than her, he would never think about something like that.

"Done," she then said, tearing Joel out of his thoughts.

After they discussed Millie's other tasks for the next half hour, she quickly left his office again because he had to go to a teachers' conference at 11. 

Millie was quite relieved, she loved having a lot of responsibility and was therefore happy that she was allowed to take on all her duties again, although at first he said it was too much. But since she was almost certainly aiming for a career as a history professor herself, she wanted to have an impressive resume.

The day passed rather slowly for both of them. Millie had fine arts club and a damn exhausting volleyball training session, and Joel had three lectures after the teachers' conference. And shortly after 6pm, he decided to call it a day.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now