chapter sixteen: a mistake

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I forgot that it's already after 3pm i'm so so sorry lol,
starting tomorrow I'll set an alarm clock
to post the chapters on time :)
enjoy it anyways! <3

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Joel held her tighter against his body and Millie loved the feeling of his hand cupping her cheek and stroking it lightly as they kissed. And Joel felt the same way, he couldn't get enough of her as she snuggled closer to him and pressed her soft lips against his.

Unfortunately, the two couldn't enjoy the moment for long because a ringing phone interrupted them. Surprised, they quickly broke apart.

Both were breathing heavily and staring at each other in confusion but also a bit shocked.

"Fuck" Joel mumbled annoyed when he saw his ex-wife's name on the screen. What the fuck is wrong with her and why is she still calling him?

Millie followed his gaze as well and then saw the woman's name on the screen.

Unfortunately, Millie always overthinks too much. Just like now. Because what if he was annoyed about the call because he's taken and it was his girlfriend? Or wife? Or something like that? She didn't want to ruin any relationship.

"Shit sorry, I gotta go" Millie murmured, quickly getting up from the sofa. She frantically packed her things in her bag to leave as soon as possible. She felt bad right away, had she just made out with a taken man? Or to make it better - her taken professor?

"Millie please just wait a second"


"I think I know what you're thinking and you don't have to worry. I didn't cheat on anyone or something like that, okay?"

"Okay, but I guess should go now."

"Yes, that would be best. We forget that happened okay? That was inappropriate and a mistake and won't happen again"

"Yeah I know" Millie whispered and left his apartment.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Millie was kinda mad. He'd made her feel better than anyone else had. She didn't even want to stop kissing him, and then he had to tell her that it was just a mistake anyway.

And the fact that she has to spend time with him today doesn't make it any better. Annoyed, she sat in the booth and sorted the brochures. She wasn't in the mood for the parent weekend anyway. And now she had to sit here with him for hours too.

"Hey Millie, are you doing this alone today?" asked Tyler, leaning against the booth. Wow, she hadn't heard from him for a long time, until now, unfortunately.

"Do you need something?" she asked him annoyed when she saw that Tara was also coming towards her.

"Oh I just wanted to talk to my favorite girl. Is that forbidden?" he said with a grin. But what he didn't realize was that Mr. Miller was coming at exactly that moment.

He greeted Tyler, but otherwise didn't pay any attention to him. Millie didn't really feel like talking to him either, but Tyler was always good at annoying people.

"You know, my brother is also coming today. Maybe the three of us could go to a bar, huh?"

"No thank you Tyler," she said politely with a fake smile.

"Oh come on Millie, everyone here knows that you had a huge crush on Andrew back then" he said with a grin.

"Fuck you" she mouthed.

But before the two could say anything, they were interrupted by Joel, "Would you like to discuss your private conversations outside university?"

Tyler just rolled his eyes and left their booth to meet Tara at another booth.

"Does he bother you like that often?" Joel asked after a short silence.  "That's none of your business?"

"Millie don't be like that"

"What? I'm normal?"

"No youre not, don't be childish"

"Childish? So first you said that it was a mistake and now that I'm childish?" she whispered. Although she knew he was kind of right. But she was offended, who likes to be called a mistake?

"Millie you know what I meant. We can't do this, okay? Even if we want to," he explained.

After an hour, in which Millie and Joel talked to some parents, alumni and future students, she had to go to the bathroom.

"I'll be right back" she murmured and left the booth without waiting for his answer.

Of course, while she was in the bathroom, Andrew came to the booth. "Hi, can I help you?" Joel asked. 

"Well uhm, my brother said Millie is assigned here?" he asked. 

"Oh yeah, you're Andrew, right? Well Millie will be right back," Joel told him.

"Oh ok thanks. I take it you're Tyler's new professor?"


"Ah okay"

After a few awkward moments, Millie came back. And when she saw Andrew standing by the booth, she wanted to run out of the hall. She didn't want to see him at all. He had turned her down the last time they hung out and meanwhile she doesn't even like him anymore, and even doesn't want to see him at all.

"Oh hi Millie" Andrew said with a big grin as she came back to the booth and sat in the empty chair next to Joel. 

"Hello Andrew, do you want information about the history lectures?"

"What? No, I wanted to talk to you" he replied.

"I'm pretty busy right now, sorry," she replied, giving him an apologetic smile.

"Could she perhaps go away for a moment?" Andrew asked then addressed to Joel.

"Thanks but I can speak for myself. And you do know he's a professor, right? But yeah, I'm busy here so unfortunately I can't" replied Millie for Joel. She just didn't want to talk to Andrew or Tyler. So she prefers to sit here with her professor.

"Oh come on, I'd like to invite you over for coffee. We can go get one quickly and then I'll bring you back here," he said and put on his typically charismatic smile.

"I said no Andrew" she said annoyed without looking up at him. He bent down a little closer to whisper in her ear.

"Oh, since when are you such a good girl? I can still remember the day you gave me head just so I could spend time with you" he whispered grinning which made Millie really mad. She's been annoyed enough since last night.

Millie wanted to jump up and yell at him, but then she felt a hand on her thigh. And she knew exactly whose hand it was, and somehow it calmed her.

"Andrew please leave me alone. I don't feel like talking to you" she explained, and Andrew even nodded. But when he opened his mouth again, Joel interrupted him.  "Behave yourself or I'll have you kicked out"

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

It's just a filler, but the next chapter with more kisses will come tomorrow :))

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