• chapter fourty: happy birthday, my love •

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sorry that this chapter took some time, but I was on vacation :)
(and at an arctic monkeys concert 🥹)

and fyi: I think this story will soon come to an end :(
I had planned around max. 50 chapters, I just don't want the story to be too long, because otherwise it might become too boring. Or what do you think?

now enjoy this LONG chapter full of fluff and smut <3
because there will be one last big fight soon </3

smut warning:
vaginal sex

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Joel had imagined the evening differently. He was so looking forward to the date with Millie because he knew how much she loves stargazing.

But his ex-wife destroyed this plan.

"I'm sorry" he said after she called for the second time and was about to turn off his phone.

"Maybe you should pick up" mumbled Millie.

Joel sighed briefly and then nodded. Millie was probably right, they had to get the problem out of the way.

And so he picked up the call, "What do you want?"

"It's nice that you're finally getting in touch with me," he heard the familiar voice say.

"Why are you calling?" Joel asked, putting his hand on Millie's thigh. He was sure that Millie wouldn't feel good because he was talking to his ex-wife right next to her.

"Oh I heard you have some problems at NYU. I thought maybe you're coming back to LA?"


"I heard you broke a rule"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh Joel dear, you know that very well"

"Then you must enlighten me"

"Jennifer probably already told you, didn't she?"

"Yes, and she only said some nonsense about one of my students"

"Nonsense? I saw it myself"

Joel ran a hand through his hair in concern, "What did you see yourself?"

Millie looked over at him a bit worried and put her hand on his. She just wanted to be happy with Joel.

"Yeah I saw a picture"

"Of what?"

"Of you with that young slut of a homewrecker"

"Excuse me? Are you fucking kidding me? Don't talk like that about someone you don't even know. I don't know what kind of photo you supposedly saw, but firstly my life is none of your business anymore, and secondly you seem to be reading too much into it. She's my teachers assistant so you can't have seen more than a meeting"

Joel was mad, he wanted to yell at her, how come she insults Millie like that? But he knew he couldn't say anything, otherwise he would admit it all the more.

"Are you defending her right now? So I was right?"

"No, you weren't right. Tell me what kind of photo you saw and I can give you a plausible explanation"

"Well, uh - it was in a shopping center," she murmured, and Joel immediately began to doubt that a photo even existed.

"There was never a TA meeting in a shopping center. We never met outside of the university, so how do you even think that? You are delusional"

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now