chapter nine: his jacket

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sorry guys I split the bar-chapter into two so it's better divided, the second part is coming tomorrow! :)

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"Would you go to the bar with me? I don't wanna go alone, my dad will probably ask me a lot of questions again" Lucia asked Millie.

„Uhm yeah sure" replied Millie. They asked everyone in the group for their order and then went to the bar. While Lucia was ordering all the drinks from the bartender, her father also noticed that she was here.  "Lucia Hey!" Mr. Grant called in a good mood and gestured for her to come over to him. 

"Please come with me, I don't wanna talk to him and when you're there he'll probably notice that I can't talk for long"

Before Millie could say anything, Lucia pulled her to the table where her dad was sitting. "Hey Dad" she said and Millie immediately realized that Lucia felt a little uncomfortable.  what's going on here?

"I didn't know you were here tonight" said Lucia's father then. "I didn't know you were here either," she replied. While Lucia and Mr. Grant exchanged a few sentences, Millie noticed that someone was watching her from the side all the time.

And when she looked over, she saw Mr. Miller sitting there. Surprised, she opened her mouth briefly to say something, but then closed it again because she didn't even know what to say in such a situation. She didn't really meet professors outside of NYU very often.

So she just put on a little smile, which she always referred to as her awkward smile. And which she hated.

When Joel agreed to go to a bar with Steven, he had expected a lot, but not to see Millie again. But now she stood, a little drunk, in front of their table and smiled sweetly at him.

After a few hours, the whole group was already pretty drunk. "I told you he'd like you," Linh said happily after her brother got up to go to the bathroom. "I know, but I was still a bit nervous." Kurtis replied with a grin and put his arm around her.

"Hey Millie, can we talk for a minute?" Lucia asked in her ear. She nodded and then stood up, "Hey guys, we'll get the next round, yes?" Millie said as Lucia got up next to her.

"Yeah thanks, uhm, I'm going to go to the toilet too," Clarissa said and then disappeared straight away.

"Are you okay?" Millie then asked as the two stood at the bar. "Well, I know we haven't known each other that long, but I have a problem and I don't know how to deal with it. It's about my father," she answered softly.

About her father? Mr Grant? Should she even listen to private problems from professors?

"Well uh if you really wanna talk about it, I'm happy to listen," Millie replied, and the two sat down on bar stools.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me. I don't know who else to talk to about this. So, well, you know my Mom is supposed to be on a business trip right now, but I found out she's having an affair"

Shocked, Millie looked over at Lucia, but didn't answer anything because she didn't know how she could best react to it.

"Yes, it must be a colleague from her work, I found out a few days ago and I don't know what to do. I'd like to tell my dad, but I don't want to be responsible if their relationship falls apart," she then explained. 

"I think you should-" Millie was about to reply when she was interrupted by a man from the side.

"Hey baby, can I get you a drink?" asked a handsome, but annoying guy with a big grin. "Uhm no thank you" Millie replied with a fake smile. 

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now