chapter thirty-six: never together

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„What?" Millie asked confused.

„Oh, uh, Hi Millie" Kurtis replied, kinda embarrassed.

"Are you really pregnant?" she asked in shock.

"Uh, Kurtis I'll call you back okay?" Linh mumbled and hung up quickly.

Linh nervously glanced over at Millie, who just waited anxiously for an answer, "So?"

"Yeah, it's true," Linh murmured.

Millie had absolutely no idea how to react. She couldn't tell if Linh and Kurtis were happy or not. But based on what Kurtis said earlier, she assumed they wanted to keep the baby.

"So you're happy? And I'll be honest, I couldn't think of better parents than you two." Millie said with a grin and pulled Linh into a hug.

„Yeah, At first I was completely shocked and desperate, but now I'm happy. Like really really happy. I'm so fucking thankful for Kurtis"

"You're going to do great, don't worry"

"Thanks Millie, I actually wanted to tell you yesterday, but you were so happy about the semester abroad and I didn't want to stop you from going. I didn't want it to be my fault"

"Don't worry Linh, I'm so happy for you, really" Millie said honestly.

"Okay, and well I wanted to ask you if you'd like to be the godmother?" Linh then asked with a small grin.

Shocked, Millie stared at her and it only took a few seconds for her to start crying. "Oh god yes" she murmured happily.


In the evening, Millie, Linh and Jess sat in their living room and played a board game together.

"Hey Millie, how are things going with your mystery guy? You still owe us pictures and maybe more stories" Jess then asked curiously. 

"Well, ah, it's over"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that," Jess said, feeling guilty.

„It's okay, don't worry" Millie replied.

"May I ask why? You seemed so happy... Did he mess up?"

"Well no, I guess it just didn't work out," she murmured.

"Was there another woman?" Linh then asked, getting mad.

"No, but I don't wanna talk about it, sorry. I guess my love life really is a shit show" Millie said with a chuckle.

„Well yeah your love life may be a shit show but at least it keeps your friends entertained" Jess said with a laugh.

„Oh fuck you!" Millie replied, also laughing.

"I'm sorry, you know we love you. But the right one will come, you know that, right?"

„Yeah sure, but I wanted to change the subject, so I'll tell you now that I've changed my mind. I'll stay"

"What? Millie, I didn't mean to stop you," Linh said immediately.

"No it's not your fault, but I'm going to be godmother, of course I can't leave then"

Millie decided to stay, she will stay at NYU and not quit at the library. But she didn't want to be Joel's TA anymore. She couldn't spend that much time with him if the two were supposed to keep their distance.

As soon as she would see him, she just wanted to be with him again. But that wasn't possible. They can't be together anymore. Sighing, she tried to think of something else. They were never really together. They were never a couple and yet she missed him more than anything.


When Joel went to his office the next day, Jennifer Connors was standing in front of his door.

"What do you want?" he asked annoyed. He wanted to talk to her today anyway, but he'd basically rather see anyone else than her right now.

"We need to talk, I feel so bad"

"Oh now all of a sudden?"

"No, all the time, but I had no other choice"

Joel sighed as he unlocked the door, but then let her in as well.

After he closed the door behind them, they both sat down. 
"So, talk"

Jennifer told him everything that happened and Joel just sat there dumbfounded while he listened to her.

So his ex-wife had caught Jennifer with her affair. And then she somehow found out about Millie, and now she's blackmailing Jennifer.

Joel believed her. He was sure that Jennifer was telling the truth. She knew his ex-wife's name and that she was also a professor at Stanford. She can't just make that up.

"Shit" was all Joel could say. He was completely overwhelmed with the situation.

"I'm really sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I was so scared about my future, you know?" she mumbled while beginning to cry.

He sighed, wondering what to do. He should probably comfort her, but he was still very mad at her for hurting Millie so badly.

"Do you know how she found out?"

"No, I really don't know. She contacted me recently and asked me to do this. Or rather forced. I often have further training for teachers at Stanford. That's where it happened with the president and apparently she saw us"

"Wow, I really should have gotten a divorce earlier," he said, rubbing his face annoyed as he sat down on the couch next to Jennifer.

"I'm really sorry. I never meant to harm you or Millie, but that bitch is crazy, she could have ruined my entire career."

"It's okay, I understand. But you should've just been honest from the start"

"Yes I know, you're right. I felt so bad yesterday. I don't wanna be a person who destroys relationships. Can you both forgive me?"

"Well to be honest, Millie is really stubborn, I doubt she'll forgive you"

Jennifer just nodded and wiped away a few tears. "You know, I didn't know he was married. I really love him, but I guess it's my own fault if I sleep with a married man"

"I guess I'll have no choice but to talk to my ex-wife. I'll try to sort it all out, okay?"

At the same time, Millie went to Joel's office, with the notice in her hand. She wanted to quit and only needed his signature for it.

Millie knew he was there, so she didn't even bother to knock. And when she opened the door, she expected a lot, but not this.

Ms. Connors sat crying on the sofa in his office. And he comforted her.

After a few seconds she realized what was happening and went up to him to press the note on his chest.

"I quit. Please sign this as soon as you have time, if you're not busy with other things" she said and turned to leave the room.

She didn't want to see Ms. Connors for a second longer. And she didn't want to see Joel comforting her either.

"Millie I should tell you something" she said before Millie left the room.

"I don't fucking care about anything you say. You're not my professor so don't talk to me" she snapped and slammed the door behind her.

Joel quickly got up to follow her, but when he opened the door, there were a few other people in the hallway.

"Millie!" he called after her, wanting her to come back.

„What?" she asked while turning around and crossing her arms. She knew he couldn't say anything as there were about five other people in the hallway.

"You forgot your books," he said.

"I'm kinda in a hurry, I'll get them tomorrow, thanks" she said and walked away.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

okay tbh I just want them to cuddle and be happy again :(
and yes i know it's my own story,
but it still makes me sad lol

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