chapter thirteen: cuddles

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i love this chapter, i hope you do too hehe

and please read the a/n at the end,
i published the prologues of two new joel millers fics <3

but first, enjoy this chapter, like i said i really like it :)

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

At 11:30, Millie left the library. Luckily it wasn't a problem that she wanted to leave earlier. The head of the library was mad at her anyway because her arm was broken. Like it's her fault?

As if she would willingly have the pain of a broken bone. But she won't worry about that for a few days, because Millie and Tara have an appointment with the President. Tara apparently wasn't believed when she said it was unintentional. Then she started crying and said she had pushed Millie on purpose because she was annoyed with her, but the rest was an accident.

She quickly went to Mr. Miller's office and even arrived 10 minutes early. And when she knocked, she immediately heard "Come in"

"Hi Professor" she said as she opened the door.

"Oh hello Millie" he said while writing something else on a piece of paper. When he then looked up at her, he looked at her in shock.

"What happened?" he asked immediately and got up to go over to her.

„Oh just volleyball" she said with a shrug. She didn't want to get upset about it again.

"Just volleyball? But that's not really a sport where you injure yourself so badly?"

"It's a long story, but it doesn't matter. Don't we have to go to that meeting now?"

The two went to the staff room and met all the other history professors and their teacher assistants there.

He greeted the other professors as the two sat down on the large table with the others. While all the professors talked to each other, Millie wrote down important details. 

„We also need a professor and teacher assistant for the history information student booth for the Alumni and Parent this weekend" said the head of the history's department.

"Unfortunately I can't, my parents are coming to visit from Australia"
"Same, my whole family is coming too" And such answers also came from the other TA's.

"Well, I can do it," she suggested. 

"Are you sure?" asked Mr. Miller. 

"Yes I'm sure, I can do it" she replied with a small fake smile.

It wasn't a problem for Millie. She's been doing the booth with Mrs. Gilbert for the past few years. And this event was never special and just boring for her.

The other assistants thanked her and the head of department gave her some sheets of paper. 

"Is that okay for you too Joel?"

"Yes sure, then we'll do the booth"

In the next 10 minutes it was discussed what they have to do at the weekend.

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