chapter twenty nine: jealously, wine and facetime

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okay I'm spoiling you guys today :)
aaaand there will be smut in the
next chapter - it's finally happening

Millie might say some embarrassing stuff in this chapter because she's drunk, still wanted to keep it in the chapter for the plot and because sometimes when you're drunk you just act like that. So no hate on her please, Millie is my babygirl.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Three days later, on Friday night, Millie was with Jess at Hayley's apartment. Hayley's younger sister Hazel was sleeping at a friend's house so the girls decided to take the chance and sat in the kitchen and drank already the second bottle of wine.

The three talked about all sorts of things until Hayley and Jess started making out in the kitchen. Millie didn't want to disturb the two of them so she went over to the living room and sat on the sofa to close her eyes for a moment.

And she almost fell asleep until she got a text from Joel.

'Haven't heard from you all day, are you alright?'

Millie knew it would probably be a stupid idea, but she was too drunk to think about it right now. So she opened his caller ID and pressed on the facetime icon.

Since there is no door to the kitchen and she didn't want Jess and Hayley to see or hear that, she went into the bathroom, locked the door and sat on the edge of the bathtub.

"Hiiii" she said excitedly with a big grin when Joel picked up.

"Millie, hi, are you alright?" he asked confused, she had never called him on facetime so he got worried straight away.

"Yes all good, just missed you"

"Are you drunk?" he asked immediately. Millie was slurring quite a bit, so it wasn't hard for him to tell.

"Yeah a bit" she replied with a chuckle. 

"Where are you right now?" Although he had never been to Millie's apartment, he knew that her bathroom didn't look like that. Because he told her about it once. So she had to be at someone else's apartment. And the thought that she might be drunk at some guy's place made him feel uneasy.

"At a friend's bathroom"

"A friend?" Joel wasn't often jealous, but he couldn't help himself and thought of the guy from the car. Was she with him?

"What? Are you jealous?" she asked grinning.

"Millie," he said sternly. But she was right, and he knew it.

"I hope you're jealous, otherwise it wouldn't be fair"

"What are you talking about?" he asked. Was she jealous too? He knew she was drunk and maybe just talking nonsense, but Joel wanted to know what she meant. He wanted to know if she was jealous too.

"Uhm nothing" she said immediately. Fuck, why does she always talk too much when she's drunk?

"No, talk"

Millie sighed once and then started talking. If she could think clearly, she would never say that. Of course, she didn't realize that tomorrow she would only regret having mentioned it.

"Well, I know you have a certain type and, I don't know..." she murmured and then started laughing.

"Millie, you're completely drunk. If you wanna have a serious conversation now, behave yourself a bit, okay baby?"

Joel didn't say the nickname on purpose, it just slipped out. It was probably just because of the alcohol, but Millie was smiling the whole time. And Joel thought it was extremely cute. He loved her smile, especially her dimples. And 'Baby' just slipped out when he saw her big smile.

He saw Millie's cheeks flush immediately. "Okay, well uhm, I just thought you're into blonde women"

Joel chuckled, "What makes you think that?"

Millie already regretted bringing it up, so she decided to change the subject.  "Can I come over?"

And Joel couldn't refuse Millie's wishes, so half an hour later, she was sitting in his bed with him and he was gently stroking her hair.

He had picked her up from Hayley's door. Even though Hayley lives on the same street as Joel, he didn't want Millie to have to go to his house drunk and alone. Millie told her friends that Kurtis was coming to pick her up, so they didn't have to worry.

"You want to tell me now what you meant before?" he asked curiously. Millie turned her head to look at him confused.

"What you meant on facetime before," he explained, noticing that she didn't understand what he meant. Millie sighed,
"I don't know why I said that earlier, sorry, I didn't mean to bother you," she said quickly. But Joel realized that the question was still on her mind.

„I don't wanna annoy you" she said. She was still a little drunk, but a little more sober now. That's why Joel sat next to her at a greater distance, he didn't want her to do something that she might regret when she was sober. He respected her very much and wouldn't touch her when she was drunk. He only stroked her hair because she asked him to some minutes ago.

"You never annoy me, okay? And you look like you've been dying for the chance to ask me this question" he replied with a grin.

"Well yeah uhm, I just thought that you were into blonde women" she whispered. Millie was aware that she overthinked easily and often, but she remembers only seeing Joel flirt with blonde women until now. Whether it's Ms. Connors or that woman in the museum.

"I don't care about specific hair colors," he answered honestly.


"Yes, I guess I like every hair color. And I especially like your dark hair, okay?"

She grinned slightly and leaned her head on his shoulder. 

"At first I really thought you were only into blondes" she answered with a laugh. 

"I'm into you. Do you think we did all this and I don't find you attractive?"

Millie closed her eyes. "Yeah youre right, that's embarrassing.  I drank too much, please ignore everything I said today, okay?" she said with a chuckle.

"So don't worry about hair colors anymore, okay?" he said grinning. 

"But-" she started to talk but was cut off by Joel.

"No buts, don't make my life difficult" he said and pulled her closer to him.

Joel didn't want to bring up the subject anymore because Millie was a bit embarrassed, but now he was a bit curious himself. "Wouldn't it also be fair if you tell me what looks you like in men?"

Millie thought for a moment and then started talking,

"You really mean just the looks and not the character? Because I'm not usually that picky, but I kinda like darker hair and beards. Or dark eyes. And I don't know if that sounds weird, but somehow I find bigger noses kinda attractive" she murmured. And Millie was too drunk to realize that she was basically describing Joel.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

I wanted to say thank you again for all the reads and votes. Especially your comments make my day <3

aaand look forward to the next chapter, it'll be *very* spicy
before more drama comes again

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