• chapter twenty-three: eventually •

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Soooo, I think you can guess what the dots mean.

reminder again: english isn't my first language and
this is the first time i wrote smut in english.
so i really hope it will be okay. 
but now, enjoy :)

smut warning: fingering

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"So you like being a tease?" Joel asked after closing and locking the door.

"I'm sorry, it was stupid I know" she answered and looked down at the floor. She was kinda embarrassed, but
she had decided to come to his room anyways.

"Millie I asked you a question"

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose"


"Uhm no, and you also kinda did the same thing" she said quietly and crossed her arms.

"So you're all shy now?" he asked with a chuckle.

"What? No" she replied and felt herself blush slightly. But he was right, Millie is always loud and likes to be the center of attention. But now she was damn nervous as she stood in front of Joel in his hotel room.

"Why did you come here?"

"Because you asked me?" she answered confused.

"You could have said no, so why did you come here?" he asked again.

"Uhm, I - because I wanted to see you," she replied and then felt Joel take her hand and intertwine their fingers. With the other arm he pulled her closer to him and hugged her tightly.

Millie really missed kissing him, so she decided to just go for it and gently pressed her lips to his. Joel returned the kiss immediately, until after a while Millie broke away from him to get some air.

After a few seconds she wanted to kiss him again, but he gently pressed her against the table so that she couldn't move and he could talk to her.

"Are you sure?" Joel asked and Millie nodded immediately.


"Yes" she answered with words in a whisper. Holding eye contact, he picked her up so she was sitting on the table.

Impatiently, her hand dug into his hair and she pulled him closer to him.

And after they kissed again, Millie felt Joel tugging at her hoodie. "Can I?"

"Yeah," she murmured, helping him remove her hoodie.

She was getting more and more excited, which Joel noticed because she wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt.

Millie put her hand back on his chest and began tugging at his shirt. She was quite excited and also noticed from the way Joel breathed, that he felt the same. After she looked at him briefly and he nodded, she also pulled his shirt over his head.

Then he took Millie's cheeks in his hands again and gave her another passionate kiss.

"Take off my pants please" she murmured between kisses with a small grin. She knew she wasn't wearing panties under her leggings, but Joel hadn't expected it and was visibly surprised when he pulled her pants down and she was completely naked underneath.

"Fuck Millie," he mumbled. He kissed her again, a little rougher this time, and held her tighter against him again.
Then she spread her thighs, wrapped them around his waist and immediately felt his bulge pressing against her.

Joel looked down, breathing heavily, and pulled Millie's shirt up a little. "You're so beautiful," he murmured, placing his hand on her inner thigh for a second while staring at her wet pussy.

„Thank you" she whispered, flattered. She liked receiving compliments from Joel more than she would admit.

A bit of his tongue peeked as he wet his lips, as he slowly caressed her bare thigh.

"Want me to stop?" he asked and kissed her neck.

And although they should, both didn't want to stop.

"No please don't stop" she whispered immediately.

He then kissed her properly again, cupping her cheek. During the kiss he spread her legs even more and Millie got goosebumps all over her body. And as he gently touched her clit, she whimpered into the kiss. Joel also moaned softly when he felt how wet she was.

As he played with her clit, Millie leaned her head back and moaned. A little too loud. "You have to be quiet, okay?" he said, covering her mouth with his hand. She immediately nodded, closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall.

She stretched her neck backwards and Joel took his hand from her mouth and lowered it on her neck. He squeezed lightly, which made her whimper again.

She pressed her lower body closer to him, hoping he would touch her more.  "You're such a good girl," he whispered.

Kissing her roughly, he slid a finger into her slick folds. Which immediately made Millie moan into the kiss and pull his hair harder.

He broke the kiss again, took his hand from her neck and gripped her thigh tightly. Opening her eyes, she sees Joel's focused on his finger sliding in and out of her. He admired how she looked beneath him. And how he made her moan and whimper.

He added a second finger and curled them, as his free hand slipped under her shirt and gently touched her breast.

Millie was a moaning and whimpering mess. But fortunately she moaned quietly, so that Joel didn't have to cover her mouth again.

She felt better than ever while being touched. Joel knew exactly what he was doing and he quickly noticed that she was breathing harder and faster. No one had ever touched her like he had and she loved the feeling. She's had sex with some guys, and given blowjobs to several, but no one has ever made her feel like this.

He took his hand off her breast and played with her clit again. Throwing her over the edge when she came beneath him.

When Millie calmed down after a few seconds, she lazily opened her eyes again. And when her eyes met his, she immediately blushed.

Joel gave her another kiss on the forehead and let go of her thighs. Which made Millie quite relieved because she already felt that she was going to be a bit sore.

After her breathing calmed down, she got off the table and wanted to kneel down in front of him. 

"What are you doing?" he asked confused. He held her so she couldn't kneel and hugged her.

"I wanted to give you something in return," she murmured, making him chuckle. 

"Millie I can see how tired you are now, you don't have to do this now"

Although Joel wished badly to see Millie on her knees with her pretty lips wrapped around his dick and her big eyes looking up at him.

He saw how tired and exhausted she was from her orgasm and didn't want to ask that of her. He hadn't made her cum to get something back, but to make her feel good.

„Are you sure?" she asked confused and surprised, while snuggling herself closer against him.


She broke away from him again and looked up at him, flushed.  "Can I stay?" she then asked quietly.

Joel didn't answer, but lifted her onto the bed and lay down next to her. "Thank you" she said when she looked into his eyes.

Millie then snuggled closer to him and Joel put his hand up her shirt, stroking her back gently.

And both slept better than they had in a long time.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now