chapter fifteen: strawberry lips

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and *ahem* it's happening

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

An hour later, Millie and Joel were standing at a vet's. With the black cat in the shoebox they found it in earlier.

"He is fine, unfortunately malnourished and very scared, but otherwise healthy. Thank you for rescuing him, unfortunately more and more cats are being abandoned," the doctor explained while giving the cat medication. 

"And what's going to happen to him now?" Millie asked immediately worried. She had taken him to her heart straight away, on the way to the vet she had the box on her lap and the cat kept looking at Millie with its big and sad eyes.

"Well I'll still vaccinate and check him up and the standard procedure is that he goes to a shelter and hopefully he'll be adopted soon."

"Oh" she murmured.

"You seem sad about the news. Or do you want to adopt him?" the doctor then asked with a smile.

"I would love to, but I have an apartment with friends and unfortunately one of them is severely allergic to animal hair," she replied.

She was afraid that it sounded like an excuse, but it wasn't, Jess really did have an allergy and gets breathing problems with dogs and cats straight away.

"Oh, yes, that's a bit inconvenient. But I am sure that he will quickly find a new family. He is a very handsome cat" said the doctor then.

"I think I would know someone who would want to adopt him," Joel said for the first time since they've been to the vet.


"Yes, my brother and his family have wanted a cat for a long time. They would be very happy"

And so Joel decided to take the cat into his home until he could give it to his sister. But since he is still on vacation with her family for 10 days, he now has to take care of the cat. Which didn't really bother him, but Joel was more of a dog person.

He bought a lot for the cat right away. Cat food, a big cat tree, lots of toys and a cozy place for him to sleep. Joel wants to give all this stuff to his sister as well, but the cat still needs these things in the 10 days.


Two days later, on Thursday afternoon, he came home after university and was even kinda happy to see the cat again.

While he then sat at his desk for a while, reading and correcting texts, the cat lay purring on his lap.

At the same time, Millie was sitting on the sofa with her friends as they were eating chinese take out.

While the others were talking about something, she was thinking about Mr. Miller and the cat. It was now two days ago that the two found the cat and he took him home. And since then the two haven't talked. Millie was in his lecture earlier, but he hadn't paid her any attention.

Somehow she found it weird because they actually talked to each other after every lecture, probably also because of her position as TA.

But he was her professor, she didn't want to worry too much about it, teachers and students usually don't have any contact outside of the university anyway. And yet she was kind of disappointed that he didn't talk to her for two days. No messages came from him either, but then again, Millie also hadn't texted him, so it's not like he's ignoring her either.

She just thought that he would get in touch with her, because after all tomorrow was the first day of the parent weekend. And actually they should have talked a little more about it.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now