chapter ten: chess

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hey guys, if you got some notifications, i'm sorry for the spam, I edited some parts and added pictures. But here's the new chapter <3

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

„Fuck" Hayley murmured as she pulled away from Jess.

„Please don't judge us" Jess added quickly.

"What? No i won't, don't worry" Millie replied immediately.

Jess was obviously getting nervous and was completely overwhelmed with the situation. "I think I should go home," she said, leaving Hayley alone.

"Jess no wait I didn't mean to interrupt you, I'm so sorry" Millie called after her.

Meanwhile, Hayley stood in the corner also a bit overwhelmed and didn't know what to say. "Are you alright Hayley?" she asked.

"Yeah, thanks, maybe you should talk to Jess, I think she's about to freak out and you've been friends for a long time. And uhm I think she doesn't want to see me now"

Millie immediately felt guilty, the two were obviously having a good time and just because she interrupted them they are both feeling bad now. Luckily, Mr. Miller didn't notice any of this and was back at the table with his friends. Jess would probably have freaked out even more if he had seen them.

Luckily she found Jess outside immediately. She was sitting on the bench where Millie was sitting with Mr. Miller a few minutes ago.

"Would you rather be alone or would you like my company?" she asked cautiously. 

"I don't even know, I'm so confused and I think I hurt Hayley too," she murmured. 

"Can I sit with you?" Millie asked and when Jess nodded she sat down with her.

"You know you're one of my closest friends, I'm always here for you."

For the next few minutes, Jess talked about whatever was on her mind. That she's unsure about her sexuality, that she's somehow attracted to Hayley, and that she knows her parents would despise her for it.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Shortly after 4 am., Millie lay down in her bed, tired.

Before she fell asleep she noticed that she was still wearing makeup. Annoyed she got up and went to the bathroom. But before she opened the door, she noticed weird noises coming from the bathroom. Too tired to realize it was moaning, she opened the door. 

And to say Millie is shocked is an understatement. 
"Excuse me what the fuck?" she asked shocked, which is why the other two people in the bathroom noticed her now too. In front of her were Clarissa and Danny, who were just fucking in the shower.

"Shit," Danny muttered, grabbing a towel to cover himself and Clarissa. 

"Fuck Millie, get out!" Clarissa yelled, pissed off. 

"Uhm, no, I wanted to take my make-up off. And sorry, but Danny, aren't you married?"

"That's none of your business," Clarissa said annoyed.

"In case you forgot, your boyfriend Peter is also a friend of mine"

"Millie, I'm not going to let you judge me, because you fuck your teacher" Clarissa said with a grin.

"What? That's bullshit, what makes you think that? And I'm not the one cheating on two partners right now. What the fuck is wrong with you guys"

"At least be careful, you leave the bar with your teacher's jacket? That's stupid. And I swear if you tell anyone what you just saw, the whole NYU will know you fucked your teacher."

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now