chapter seven: museum

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"So the Darwin Manuscripts Project is the world's first large collection of transcribed images of Darwin's manuscripts and notes" said the tour guide after leading the group into a large hall.

"I miss Linh," Kurtis murmured as he and Millie looked at an exhibit. "You're so pussy-whipped," she replied with a laugh. 

"I know, I've never denied that" he said with a shrug.

"Sooo, have you already told Linh that your first child will be called Millie?" she asked with a grin. "As far as I know Linh, she wants 10 cats rather than a child," he replied with a smirk.

"You two back there, would you like to join the tour or do you have something better to do?" the guide interrupted Millie and Kurtis' conversation.

"Sorry, already quiet" said Millie and rolled her eyes.

The two followed the group, whispering now and then. The guide was just saying something again and Kurtis was talking about Linh again, but Millie can't blame him at all. He had a crush on her for a long time and now they finally became a couple.

The guide didn't notice anything, but Mr. Miller did. 
"Aren't you interested in the exhibition?" he therefore asked quietly.

Did Mr. Miller really always have to surprise them from behind during a conversation?

"No, sorry, we are," she replied quickly. Joel nodded and after a few seconds he spoke again, "Can I talk to you as a TA for a moment?"

"Sure, what's up?" Millie asked, noticing Kurtis walking away from them unnoticed. But Kurtis was always like that, he was afraid of getting in trouble.

"Mrs. Gilbert's always asked you to write an essay about the museum's exhibition?"
"Yes, it was always around 10 pages and I think it made up 20% of the semester grade"

"Oh okay, and what did the students think about it? 
"Well, from what I've always heard, everyone liked it. It was easy work and had a big impact on the start of the semester."

He nodded in response and the two followed a few feet behind the group.  "Thank you for organizing this for today, I don't quite see my way through her documents yet, actually they are damn chaotic" he said with a chuckle.

"Oh don't worry, I like the job if you haven't noticed," she replied, also with a chuckle. 
"You like organizing and taking responsibility, don't you?"

Millie nodded in response. 

"Well I think you're very hard-working and goal-oriented, what is your plan after university?"

"To be honest I have no idea, maybe I would become a university professor myself one day"
"As far as I can judge you, I think you would definitely have what it takes"

"Thank you Mr. Miller. Do you actually think it's very different here at NYU than-" 

Millie was interrupted by the guide during her question. 
"Hey Joel" says the blonde guide with a big smile.

"Am I interrupting something?" she then asked, as if she hadn't just interrupted Millie.

"We just discussed something, Millie is my teachers assistant," he explained. 

"Oh, well, I let the students look around on their own. The tour is over and I wanted to ask you if we want to get a coffee together from the museum cafe?"

"Well I'll leave you alone, I also wanted to see a few exhibits.  Thanks for the great tour miss" Millie said politely and went to Kurtis. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that the two actually left the room. 

Well, Mr. Miller definitely has a type. First Ms. Connors and now the tour guide. Both are really attractive blonde women.

"Did you just get Mr. Miller a date?" Kurtis asked laughing.  "Apparently I'm good at matchmaking, huh?"
"Yeah, but you might want to try matchmaking yourself."
"Don't get cocky just because you've had a girlfriend for a few days," she said with a laugh.

After the students looked around for an hour, the first ones decided to leave.
"Hey babe, do you want me to take you with me? I'm here with the car" Tyler asked and put an arm around her shoulders while everyone headed towards the exit. 

"No im fine, thanks though, I'll take the subway," she politely declined.

Just as she and Kurtis were about to leave the building, she realized that she didn't have her backpack with her. 
"Fuck my backpack," she murmured, stopping abruptly, causing Kurtis to walk right into her. 
"What's going on?" he asked confused. 
"I left my backpack somewhere. I'll go back in" she answered annoyed. 

"Oh, should I come with you?" "No it's okay, I know Linh and you want to go to the cinema now, have fun" she said, hugged her best friend and quickly ran back into the museum.

After walking through the museum for a few minutes and not finding her backpack, she slowly got a little nervous. She definitely doesn't want to lose it, because there was something from her parents in it. The only thing she still had from them, a book.

Perhaps someone had handed it in at the lost and found office? Just as she was about to make her way there, she heard someone calling her name.

"Millie! Have you forgotten something?"
When she turned around, she saw her professor with her backpack in hand. "Oh my god thank you so much!" she exclaimed relieved and took her backpack back.
"Your welcome, I saw it in the corner and thought it looked familiar"

"Thank you" she murmured softly as the two then went towards the exit. But he didn't answer any more and there was somehow an awkward silence until they were outside.
"Well, uhm thanks, I'll go to the subway now," she said and was about to say goodbye, but Joel beat her to it. 

"You're welcome to ride with me again, we have to go in the same direction anyway," he suggested.

"Oh, I don't want to cause any trouble, besides, it's not raining this time," she said. Surely her professor has better things to do than drive her around.

"As I said, it's the same direction, so it wouldn't be a problem. But I didn't want to make you uncomfortable if you prefer the subway"

After a moment's thought, she accepted his offer, "Okay thanks, the subway is kinda disgusting anyway"

After Joel led her to his car and the two sat down, Millie immediately began to speak again, "By the way, I also wanted to apologize."

"For what?" he asked back, confused.
"About Friday night, I can remember that we spoke on the phone, but I don't know much more about what we talked about. Still, it was inappropriate"

"Don't worry, you just wanted to say that you organized the visit to the museum"

"Yes, but it was 2am or so, I had been drinking a bit, as I said, sorry that I called, it was unintentional"

„It's okay, don't worry about it really" he said as he placed his hand on her headrest again to pull out of the parking lot. Just like last time.

Without exchanging another word during the ride, he drove her home again.

"Thanks again," she said as she unbuckled her seat belt and was about to get out. 

"No handshake this time?" he asked, grinning. 

"Huh?" she asked, noticing that she was blushing slightly. Why did she have to say goodbye to her professor with a fucking handshake the last time?

„I'm just teasing you, don't worry"

"Please don't tease me, I'll get embarrassed quickly," she then said and got out of the car, although she would've actually liked to stay in his car with him for a while longer. 

"Bye" she murmured and closed the door.


this chapter is just a filler, sorry :(
hope you like it anyway! next will be interesting again! :)

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