chapter four: ramen date

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Thank you for all these reads and votes in just 3 days! <3
makes me very happy to get so much support so early :)

reminder: english is not my first language. I definitely make grammatical/spelling mistakes, feel free to let me know so i can learn from my mistakes. thank u :))

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"Oh my god that's really the best ramen place in New York" Jess said almost moaning.

The group nodded in agreement while everyone enjoyed the ramen. Except Kurtis, "it's so spicy," he muttered, which made the others laugh.

"Spicy? You ordered the only one that isn't really spicy at all," Linh said, laughing. "I know I just can't eat anything spicy"

"You want a sip?" Linh asked, holding out her coke when she saw that he didn't have anything left to drink.

"Gladly, thank you" he said, taking a large sip of her coke. "Hey now it's basically empty!" she said with a smile.

"Sorry, I'll buy you something new," he said immediately and got up.

"What? Kurtis no that was just a joke, you don't need to buy me a new drink" "No it's okay, what do you want?"

"Well um okay, let me see then" she murmured and tried to read the menu on the wall. But she couldn't. Without her glasses, Linh is kinda blind as fuck.

"I'll look at it in front, you guys want anything else?" she asked Millie, Clarissa and Jess, who just shook their heads. Kurtis and Linh both got up and walked to the other side of the restaurant. "Fucking finally" Jess said with a grin.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

The next day, Millie was finally able to sleep a little longer. On wednesdays she usually doesn't have to be at NYU until 2 pm. But today she wanted to be there at 10am because of the TA meeting with Mr. Miller.

Her alarm rang at 9, tired she went to the kitchen to get a coffee and cornflakes. 

And only a few minutes later Linh walked into the kitchen. 
"Oh hey Millie, it's good that you're here, I wanted to talk to you," Linh said nervously while pouring herself a coffee. 

"Is everything okay?" she asked back immediately.

"Yes, everything is okay, it's just Kurtis, do you have a moment?" she then asked and sat down on the sofa with her. They don't have a dining table. Rent in New York isn't exactly cheap and they also had an apartment with four small bedrooms. The fifth room was a small living room with an even smaller kitchen in the corner. There was no room for a table so they pretty much always ate at the sofa.

Like last night when Millie, Jess and Clarissa ordered pizza and watched Pirates of the Caribbean. Linh didn't come home with the other three, she spent the whole afternoon and evening with Kurtis and Millie was dying to know what exactly happened.

Except for a short message from Kurtis, saying ‚thank you', she didn't hear anything from the two of them last night.

"Well, yeah um I know you and Kurtis have been such good friends for years. And I don't know what this is between Kurtis and I, but I just wanted to know if it's okay with you"

"What? Of course it's okay for me, I'm happy for you. I'm glad it finally happened." Millie said with a grin. 

"You sure? I don't want you to think that I'm taking away your best friend."

"Yeah sure, Kurtis has had a crush on you for easily half a year anyway. It's about time"

"Okay thanks Millie, I was really nervous. But don't worry, of course you can still spend normal time with Kurtis, I won't take him away from you"

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