chapter twenty-one: goosebumps

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Joel was sitting in his office and reading the students' essays on Wednesday morning when someone knocked on his door. 

"Yes, come in"

After a few seconds the door opened and Layla came in,
"Hi Joel. I have now received all the registrations and Ms. Connors did the room allocation. Would you like to take a look?"

"Yeah sure, show me."

Layla put the papers on the table. "So there are two and three-bed rooms for the students. There is a single room for each of us teachers. And according to the head of department, we should be four professors. We're only three though, so you, me and Ms. Connors. I've asked all the history professors, but somehow none of them feel like it or have the time," she explained.

Joel read the paper and when he found Millie's name he saw that she was sharing a room with Tara and Stephanie.

He doesn't really know the other two girls, but if he's not wrong, he thinks that Millie and Tara don't really get along. But he would talk to her about that later.

"We would have to find a fourth professor," Layla then said.

"Yes, I'll take care of it," he replied when there was another knock on the door.

„Come in" he said. Why do so many people want something from him at 8 in the morning?

"Hi Joel" Steven said as he entered the room and then looked confused at Layla.

"Uhm hi?"

"Hi, I'm Layla, the new history professor in training"

"Oh okay, I'm Steven. From Egyptology" he also introduced himself and the two shook hands.

"How can I help you?" Joel asked Steven,  "Well to be honest, I'd like some advice from you"

"Oh, then I'll leave you alone. Just get in touch when you know about the fourth professor. Bye" she said and left the office.

Steven watched her leave the room and when she closed the door he turned back to Joel. "How long has she been here?"

"Aren't you married, huh?" Joel asked with a chuckle.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about," he replied and sat down on the chair where Layla was sitting.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm getting a divorce"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, apparently my wife, well now ex-wife, was having an affair. My daughter told me"

"Oh, I'm sorry Steven" "It's okay, but I'm concerned about my daughter. I hope she can handle it. My ex-wife and I haven't been doing well for a long time, so it doesn't bother me that much."

"And how can I help you?"

"Well, can you recommend a good lawyer?"

"Uh, yeah sure. But he lives in California" Joel told him and wrote down the number of his lawyer, who helped him with his own divorce.

"You never really told me why you got divorced, right?"

"Well, we never wanted children from the start. But in the last few years my ex-wife suddenly wanted some and tried to persuade me almost every day. Then she stopped taking her birth control without telling me. I just couldn't stand her anymore"

"Wow that sucks, I would have left her too. But look at us, now we're both stuck in a midlife crisis" Steven replied with a laugh.

When he then discovered the slip of paper for the Boston trip, he asked curiously. "Whats that?"

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