chapter fourty-two: making it official

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Hi guys, I'm sorry for the rare updates,
I'm constantly busy playing 'tears of the kingdom' lol

and I think there will be only 2 chapters left! :(
because idk which plot-line could still be interesting

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"Millie wait" Joel called after her as she left the cinema.

"No" she replied crossing her arms as she walked in the direction of the subway.

"Millie please don't be so stubborn" he said with a slight grin and stood in front of her, so she couldn't go any further.

"You can't expect me not to be stubborn when you pull off a fucking drama like that!"

"I know I'm really sorry baby, okay? We need to talk about it"

"No I don't wanna talk to you right now. You're playing with my feelings. Again"

"I didn't want that"

"But you did. And only because of that stupid popcorn guy"

"I know, but I-"

"No buts, I don't care anymore" she cut him off offended.

"No Millie listen to me for a moment. I know you're sad, and probably mad at me. And you have every right to be, but we really need to talk. Please, it's important to me"

She sighed once and turned around again, "Okay, but I don't wanna argue in front of the cinema"

"I don't wanna argue, just talk"

And half an hour later, Joel entered Millie's apartment for the second time. Because tonight, Jess is sleeping at Hayley's and Linh and Kurtis are visiting his family. And from the cinema, Millie's apartment was closer than Joel's, and so they both sat in her living room.

"So you wanted to talk about it?"

Joel sighed once and took her hand in his, "Yes, you know how much you mean to me, right?"

"Yes" she mumbled back. She was kinda nervous, is he going to end it for real now?

"I never wanted to think about it, but it bothered me from the start. Our age difference is really big. And I-"

"But that's not my fault? You knew my age from the start? And please I'm 25, okay? I'm an adult" she interrupted him.

"Yes I know, please let me finish okay?"

Millie just nodded and Joel started talking again.

"I don't mind about it. I'm okay with it. I fell in love with you the way you are"

"What? Okay but what's the problem then?" Millie asked him confused and and leaned closer to him.

"I don't want to ruin your future"

"But you're not ruining my future Joel"

"That's exactly what I'm scared of. That you only realize it sometime later. You're a beautiful, young woman. And I don't want to stop you from living your life. You had considered doing a semester abroad. Or maybe you want to start a family in a few years. You would deserve someone your age, Millie, to experience everything together"

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓 (joel miller AU) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now