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"Yarr Asim, why are you getting so angry? huh?". Kunal asked as he saw Asim punching the sand bag aggressively.

"Do I look like a slave to them!? HUH!? Am I mad!? That whatever they say I'm gonna follow every fucking demand!?". he said as he took his anger out on the sand bag.

"Asim you're hand is bleeding dude!!". but he didn't listened and continued punching it.

"Btw what did they say that you're reacting like this?".

"THEY FUCKING TOLD ME TO MARRY SAJAL!!!". he shouted punching the sand bag for the last time.

"then why can't you marry her?". he awkwardly asked.

"Because I don't like her! Let alone love". he said while grabbing the water bottle and drank it as his Adams apple popped.

"Then are you in love with someone?". he asked while smirking.

And he stopped hearing that question.

"I don't fall for someone's trap". he said and his friend's smirk dropped.

"Seriously? Love is a feeling dude. Ask me, When I met Alisha I never thought she is the one I'm going to marry in some months.

I became a lovesick puppy for her and you're saying it's a trap?....But somewhere you are right, It's a beautiful trap, once you fall in that trap. You can't come out". he said with a smile.


Suddenly the door burst open.

"What are you doing here Humza?". he asked with a confused expression.

"Asim, see I know you're not ready for this but." he was a little hesitant to say it but said.

"That girl zoya, I think she...".


"Ammi!!! Humna!!!!!". Zoya yelled while coming inside the dinning room.

"What happened?". Humna asked being confused.

"Actually I have decided something".

"What?". this time her ammi asked.

"Ammi, I have decided to get married".

and humna choked her saliva.

"Are you mad!?". she asked while standing up.

"Humna sit and it's not like a very big deal". she said while shrugging off her shoulders.

"It is beta. it's a very big deal to get you married. your elder sister is not married how can you get married?".

"Then Ammi let her marry someone soon." she said.

"Zoya! Marriage is not a game of dolls. it's a pure knot which is going to tie two lives together."

"Humna, I'm not saying that get married right now. I'm telling you to find a life partner. For how long you're going to stay like this? huh?". She asked.

"Zoya but the situation right now is not stable and--". she intereuppted her.

"And when is it going to get stabled? you know that? no right? that's why I'm saying find someone new".

"Humza is gone". she whispered.

And her sister looked down.

Zoya knew deep down in heart that Humna still loves Humza. what ever he did was wrong. He didn't loved her. it was a game for him.

but not for her.

Humna loved him to the core and she can't forget her love so easily. 

"Just forget that bastard Humna! There's nothing wrong for you to love someone else".

"But Zoya. who will marry me? Because I know that Asim would definitely interrupt in my marriage to see you in pain".

"Humna, If we all will think that way only, then our marriage will never happen. Asim is my enemy not yours."

Meanwhile, they were just talking about it. There Ammi was just thinking if it is a good idea or not. Because for how many days she would see her elder daughter sitting at home.

And Zoya is also going to turn 21 years old next month. she really needs some major help for this. Somewhere Humna is right and somewhere Zoya is right. which is making her confuse.

"Humna, Zoya listen to me.". and they turned to her.

"You both are making me confuse. Just wait for a day or two. I'll come up with some solution. OK?". they nodded and she got up and told.

"I'm going Jeetu didi's home, I'll be back".

"But why?". Zoya asked.

"To clear my confusion". just then she walked out and started walking towards the next street when her home is. Once she reached, she rang the door bell.

The door opened revealing Jeetu's mom.

"Oh Humna ki mummy. come sit". she said welcoming her.

she smiled and entered her home. She sat down on the sofa and was served by some tea and snacks even after telling her not to make.

"So any special thing made you come here?".

"Nah, it's just..... let me come to the point." she said making her tense a little bit.

"Is everything ok?". she asked.

"A little bit. you know Humna's marriage was about to happen but never happened and now Zoya is also coming in an age to get married. but I can't marry her till her elder sister is married."

"That's a big issue".

"That's why I came here so I can find any solution from you".

"Let me think what you can do". and they both finished there tea.

"So I have an idea!".


"Marry both of them at the same day".


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