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Zoya, slowly opens her eyes. She blinks a few times, adjusting to the bright light overhead. Confusion sweeps across her face as she realizes she's in a unfamiliar room.

"Where am I? What happened?". She whispered to herself.

She frantically looks around the room, taking in the medicines and the countless flowers and cards on the bedside table. Suddenly, her eyes widen with panic.

Her voice trembled as she asked herself.

"Who am I? Why can't i remember anything".

The door creaks open, and a kind NURSE enters the room. She notices Zoya's distress and rushes to her side.

"Don't worry, dear. You were injured in a accident. It's normal to feel confused right now. We're here to help you".

"But I can't remember anything! I want to go home! To ammi!".

The nurse felt sympathy for the girl who lost her memories in such a young age but remained soft as she said.

"I know it feels overwhelming, but give yourself time. Memories can come back gradually. Start by taking deep breaths and focusing on the present moment".

The nurse guides her through a deep breathing exercise, encouraging her to calm her racing thoughts. As Zoya follows the nurse's instructions, her anxiety begins to subside.

"Thank you".

"You're welcome dear, have rest. Ok?". She made her lay down on the bed.

She tries to remember something from her past but whenever she tried it caused her a serve headache.

Her eyes wandered around the room.

"Where I am?". She asked.

"You're at you're home, it's not hospital".

She frowned.

"What's a hospital?".

The nurse smile and replied.

"Its for the people who are injured. It's the doctors who cure them".

She just heard and looked down.


Then she realized.


"Am I at my home".

She nodded.

Zoya quickly got up and the nurse panicked.

"Hey! You have to rest".

She didn't listen to her and went out from her room.

"Ammi! Where are you!?".

She tries to stop her but she yanks her hand and starts finding her ammi around the unfamiliar house.

"Ammi!? Where are you!".

"Hey! Listen to me!".

"I want to meet my ammi!".

Her eyes well up with tears as she searches the room, hoping for a clue to spark her memory.

"Hey relax! See you remember her face?".

She stood still.

"No". She whispered.

"You remember you're name?".

"No". She again whispered.

"Then how will you find you're ammi when you don't even know who you are".

She closed her eyes to remember something but felt defeated when she couldn't even remember the first letter of her name.

Suddenly it hit her and she turned to the nurse to ask.

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