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Dr. Khanna, stands in a well-lit, spacious office, filled with medical equipment and files. A sense of anticipation lingers in the air. Asim look straight into his eyes, his expression serious yet empathetic.

"I think she is going to lose her memories".

He stared at the doctor in shock.


He nodded and chuckled sadly.


"But how---". He got interrupted by a nurse who was panicked and said.

"Doctor that girl is getting really panicked".

"What? Let me check". He hurriedly got up and went in the room and Asim and Kunal followed him.

"Please! Leave me!".

"I want to go home".

"It's ok relax.". The nurse said and gave her water.

"Try to remember what's your name".

She shook her head.

"I don't know! I can't remember anything!".

"You will remember everything, just try". She said and she panicked even more.

"I can't! I'm not able to remember anything!".

"Please leave me I want to go home".

"Relax. Try to be calm".

She shook her head.

"Leave me! I wanna go home!".

She started loosing her conscious once the doctor injected her something. He sighed and came out to look at the worried men standing there.

"Jiska darr tha wohi hua".

(I was afraid of this only.)

"What happened doctor?". Asim asked.

"She has lost her memories".


"I guess the vase was hit on her head again and again and then she fell to the ground which caused the memory loss".

"Doctor she must have remembered atleast her family".

He shook his head.

"She was again and again saying Ammi and Humna I guess but when they asked where they live she wasn't able to answer. Maybe she remembers there name and face but not half of her life."

Asim couldn't think straight at that moment, he could only see one person and that was Zoya.

"She'll be discharged after some days but till then she would remain here in the hospital only".

Asim nodded slowly looking at zoya who was laying there on the unconcious. Her face was bruised and a white bandage was tied on her head.

For the first time in his entire life he felt scared.

What if she left me forever?

He touched the glass window from which he could clearly see Zoya. His heart clenched seeing her like this for the second time.

He is sure that Mr.khalid was the one who sent somebody to kill her, but who was it if it wasn't jaffar. His hand slowly slipped from the glass as he looked over to his shoulder.

"Find who it was kunal".

He nodded.

He trusts Kunal alot, he's the best brother and bestfriend for him. He will definitely find who it was, whether it was man or a woman, the countdown is started.

Suddenly someone came in kunal's mind and he immediately said.

"I will but atleast let's inform Zoya's family".

He got still as a hard rod, he looked over to Kunal and then at Zoya. His Adam apple popped up and down as he gulped down his saliva.

They say love is a beautiful feeling, but what they don't tell you is that it can also be an obsession - a relentless desire that keeps you from letting go. You can say it's not love but obsession and he will agree because no matter what, zoya is his.

It all started with hate but there bond with hate grew stronger with every passing day. He watched her, studied her, and listened to every word she uttered. She became the center of his universe, and he couldn't bear the thought of leaving her side.

Zoya, without you, my life has no meaning. I refuse to let go, even if it means facing the wrath of my family. We will find a way to convince them, to make them understand we'll be fine.

At that particular moment he remembered every single moment he spent with her. They were not much and they were filled with hatred, she never smiled at him, she never talked to him properly.


Now he has that opportunity!

He will change Zoya's perspective of him. He will do everything possible to seek her forgiveness, he will do anything to make her happy.

He knows that everything for her is her family. She can even kill someone for them, his head again snapped towards Zoya.

He licked his dry lips and looked at Kunal and said.

"Her family should not know anything".


My back is literally paining so bad that's why a small but interesting chapter.

You're thoughts?

Asim and zoya?




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