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Sweat bends on Zoya's forehead as she tossed on her bed from here to there. She tightly gripped the silk sheets which covered her.

"Leave! Go away!".

She breathed heavily as if someone was dragging her to some place.

"No! You won't!".

She again whispered as she tightly clenched the sheets even more.


She screamed and got up from the bed breathing heavily.

Asim got up in a swift motion from his sleep and went towards zoya near her bed and cupped her cheeks and asked her with a worried expression.

"Zoya? What happened?".

She look towards him as the tears made their way down her cheek.

"I-I don't know. Farhad I s-saw someone was trying to touch me...I was trying to run but I just-just couldn't....". She hugged him and his hand automatically caressed her back.

Asim was well aware of what was going on. He knew she saw none other than him who was trying to do so. He knew she got nightmare of that one night.

"Zoya...it's ok".

She sobbed.

"It was just a nightmare".

He caressed her hair and kept whispering calming and relaxing words in her ear until she fell asleep in his arms.

He looked at her when her breathing got slower. He made her lay down on the bed as he observed her sleeping face with a small smile playing on his lips.

You're the most precious one I have got in my life. I was madly searching for you after you slapped me, after four years when I took you're dignity. I though I'll sleep peacefully but....I was wrong.

I couldn't stop thinking about you. I couldn't control my soul. The body stayed in the room but the soul always stayed with you. I didn't even knew when..how..it just happened.

I can't see you with him.

That bastard!

Ruposh Araiz.

How dare of him to even stand near you!? Just because of you I didn't do anything wrong. Humza was telling me again and again to not do anything because he didn't wanted humna to think it was him again.

I seriously don't care about you're family. The only one who now matters to me is you.

Only you.

He didn't even knew when he fell asleep while watching her face. His head fell on the pillow beside her as he slept while holding her soft delicate hands.

The night was silent yet peaceful but still two people were not at peace. Not at all. One was trying to find his son who just ran away from his engagement and one was trying to find the love of his life.

"Any news?". Mr.khalid asked his men.

"No sir, we tried checking in you're penthouse but still no clue of him".

"Then go find him! Don't look at me!!!".

They looked down and made there way outside.

Mr.khalid sat on his chair and drank some water, he heard the voice of his closest friend.

"So? What you're going to do now?".

"Focus on Elections. I know Asim.....he's clever. He's not like me. Not at all. He's just like his mother".

"But he's you're son---".

He got interrupted by him.

"Then!? Is a 5 year old that I have to take care of him every 5 minutes?".

"But you just can't leave your son for Elections".

"Who said I'm leaving him? I'm trying to find him, can't you see?".

"I can! But what about---".

"Don't mess with my mind. I'm already tensed".

A man came inside and he asked.


"Sir, actually we got to know something".

He gestured him to continue.

"Sir, that girl Zoya has lost her memories".

He jerked up from his seat.


"Yes sir, younger master admitted her in a hospital and we got to know from there".

Now, slowly everything was getting inside his brain that why Asim suddenly went missing without telling anyone.

Mr. Khalid was so messed up right now that he wanted to kill someone at that moment. He knew what actually was going on in his mind.

He's trying to take advantage of her memory loss.

"Find him as soon as possible".

If one's Zoya started to believe in him then everything will finish. For sure Asim will try to get married to her, he knows too well that marrying her would be the best for him.

Zoya would be his.

If as a father he could have slapped him that day when he made his first mistake then he would have not seen these days which were not so pleasant.

"That's why I said find Asim first and then focus on you're Elections".

"What do you mean? I can't leave Elections, I have waited for this moment to come and you're telling me to step back?".

"Then what should I say? For you you're chair is important but not you're son".

"Are you mad? Asim is my child and I care for him but that doesn't mean I will leave my duty".

"Atleast try to understand him for once".

"How long!? How long am I going to understand him? However I got him away from the case and now this".

"You know what? You don't want to understand him".

"Wahtever it is".

"You just can't leave it".

"Then what should I do? Huh?".

Suddenly the door bursts open and the stood a man with anger visible on his handsome face.

It's none other than

Ruposh Araiz.


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Ba bye:)

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