Chapter 4: Varanasi It Is

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Aaradhya was a little nervous as she walked towards room no. 107. Her roommate whose name was Tanu has already arrived a day before. Aaradhya also reached the city yesterday but stayed at her nani's house for a day.

After filling all the forms, submitting the documents and completing all the formalities room 107 was finally allotted to her. After bidding a final goodbye to her mom, dad, her sister Avni and her brother Aarav she was going to her room.

"If not good then let her be civil, please! It's just a matter of a few months. I will make a good friend till then and shift with her." She prayed as she knocked at the door. As usual, her overthinking was not going to leave her. It was her habit to think of the worse before anything happens. She hated herself for this but she can't help it.

"Hii" a beautiful, smiling face greeted her. With long curly hair tied in a bun and wearing a loose t-shirt and trousers stood Tanu extending her hand towards Aaradhya.

"Heyy" Aaradhya immediately shook her hand.

"I am Aaradhya Ra..."

"Raghuvanshi from Lucknow, right?" She was cut by an excited Tanu.

"I already know that. Yesterday only warden mam told me that you are going to be my roommate. I also saw your introduction on our WhatsApp group. I tried stalking you on insta but I couldn't find you there. You don't use any social media sites, right? "

"No, I don't. I had deactivated my insta account during NEET preparation."

"Oh okay. Please come inside. It's so silly of me to keep you standing here at the door ."

"It's alright," replied Aaradhya while holding her suitcase and entering her room.

It was not very big neither it was too small. It had a small washroom and a balcony attached to it. It would not be so bad living here.

The next two hours were spent unpacking her luggage in which Tanu helped her whenever needed. She was a very friendly and wonderful girl.

Aaradhya was happy to get a roommate like her. Though for one hour she was continuously listening to the life of Mumbaians as Tanu came from Mumbai and now Aaradhya feels she has already visited the place without physically going there. But she can easily adjust to her. That was a relief.

Little did she know that this duo was going to be inseparable just in a short period of time, that she has found one more best friend other than Siya, her one and only childhood best friend, for the rest of her life.


Abhi and Pritam were busy arranging Abhi's luggage in the small hostel room he was allotted when a knock on the door halted them.

"Must be your roommate?" said Pritam moving towards the door and opening it.

At the door stood a tall, handsome boy with dark black hair all set nicely with gel.

"Hi! Myself Anuj. You must be Abhimanyu, right?" he introduced himself.

"Wrong! I am Pritam, Abhi's best friend. I am just here to help him in arranging his things. Abhi is inside" said Pritam helping Anuj with his luggage.

The three boys became naturally comfortable around each other in a few minutes. Football was their common interest and their discussion soon turned into a debate over who is better Ronaldo or Messi.

It was already 6 pm and it was time for Pritam to leave now. Abhi's mom left as soon as all the formalities were completed and he was allotted a room. His father was unable to come due to an important meeting but he promised to visit Abhi as soon as he will get time. His brother Abhimaan's last semester exam of LLB was going on so he was also unable to come along.

Pritam decided to stay and help Abhi arrange his stuff but this was only an excuse to spend more time with his childhood best friend whom he was going to miss a lot.

As Priam left for Delhi and Anuj went to the balcony to talk to his parents Abhi sat on his bed thinking that till now it was all good. Even though, the room was very small it was alright. Anuj seemed to be a nice boy. He smiled thinking about the warning Pritam has given him to not make any other best friends here. He was allowed to make good friends only.

Little did he know he was going to make some unbreakable bonds with this city and the people he was going to meet.

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