Chapter 6: Not Good For Health?

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Eyes are the windows to the soul. They speak more than words. As Aaradhya looked into those amber eyes, she tried to figure out something, anything. Was he mad at her? What was he thinking? Did he know that she was his classmate before?

But those amber eyes were very secretive. She could not figure out anything. But she did realise that for the last 2 minutes, she was continuously staring into his beautiful eyes and looked away immediately. Beautiful? Really? Did she find those amber orbs to be beautiful?

Yes, she did. She can't deny that. He was the first boy whose eyes, she thinks are beautiful. Or maybe that is because he is the first boy whose eyes she has observed so precisely.

Black is a colour always related to secrecy and mystery. Abhi had no idea that someone's black eyes can be this innocent. As he looked into the coal-black eyes of the girl he met in the canteen he understood she was embarrassed. She must have known by now that he was not a waiter and he could see she was dying to apologise.

As she looked away he realised he was staring into her eyes for god knows how long. He can see a shade of pink appearing on her cheeks. He smirked. He cannot deny that she was cute. She seemed to be sweet, beautiful and cute type. This was not his taste. He was more into bold, hot and sexy types.

They all came out of their thoughts as the professor and the lab assistant entered.
The next two hours passed painfully slowly as they were instructed about the lab rules. Basic instructions were given and they were divided into groups of five. Five students for each dissection table.
After that, they were dismissed for the day.

As everyone slowly came out of the lab laughing and talking to each other, Aaradhya waited near the stairs for that boy. Tanu ran to her hostel room as soon as the professor took attendance. She wanted to sleep. These insane people have started to teach them on the very first day. Idiots.

She came out of her thoughts as she saw him coming towards the stairs. With a black t-shirt, blue jeans, an iPhone in his hands and airdrops in his ears, he looked like some model walking out after giving an interview.

"Excuse me" she called out softly.
He stopped immediately. He knew this voice. As his eyes moved from his phone to the petite figure standing near the stairs, he raised his eyebrows.

"What? Coffee and sandwiches or something else?" He asked playfully.

He could now see a dark shade of pink covering her cheeks and nose. She looked down towards her feet. He wanted to laugh at her expression but he controlled himself.

"I am really really sorry. I swear I had no idea you were a student. You were taking orders from that boy so I assumed you were a waiter. It's not that you look like a waiter or something. It's just that I don't know how a waiter looks. I mean some of the waiters I have seen are also well-maintained. So it's a bit difficult to differentiate waiters from normal people. I don't mean they are different from normal people... " She stopped realizing that all she was saying now was nothing else but pure bullshit

At this point, she literally has no idea what she was speaking. Can she make this worse than this already was? Oh god!! She can't even say a simple apology without embarrassing herself.
"I am really sorry. Take this you paid for us. Thank you for that and sorry again."
She said after taking a long breath and forwarding a 200 rupee note to him.

Abhi could not help the small smile that came to his lips after listening to this girl.

"It's fine. And yes waiters are normal people too, so it can be a little difficult to differentiate them. And that boy I was taking orders from was my roommate or friend you can say." He said smiling cutely showing his perfect dimples.

"And keep the money. Consider this as my treat. " He said winking at her and running down the stairs immediately after that.

She wanted to give him the money but he ran down the stairs with the speed of light. But it was a relief he was not mad. She doesn't want any kind of fight or anything with her classmates.

She will just return the money and maintain her distance from him. It's not like he gave her some uncomfortable vibes, but he winked at her and she found her heart skipping a beat at that. He smiled and his dimples stole her attention. She has an intuition that this boy is not good for her health. So it's final. Return the money and maintain at least 5 hand distance from him. Thank god he was not in the same group as her. That was the last thing she would wish for.

Thinking all this she walked towards her hostel and got into the comfy covers as soon as she stepped inside her room. Her roommate was already asleep. Unknowingly her face again turned into a light shade of pink as she thought about the previous incidents and she drifted into a deep slumber.

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