Chapter 54

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Just for Ana_official2 double update.

Aaradhya decided to take a day off from work. She has not taken a single leave in the last nine months of working here but today she felt the need to use her leave. She just laid lazily on her bed only getting up to eat from time to time. Her health is important. For her to work efficiently, she needs her body and mind to be healthy. She was not sure about her mental peace but she could take care of her physical well-being. No more skipping meals, she promised herself.

She missed Abhi. How he would take care of her health. He would make sure she eats healthy regularly. She became careless towards her health again when he left. When at home her mother would force her to eat a lot but here in Delhi, no one cares. She has friends here but they all have their own life. No one is free to care about her meals. And she is not a child who would need a caretaker after her everywhere. She has to be responsible for herself. But it feels good when someone cares.

She sighed coming out of her thoughts. She'll leave after one month. Once she shows Abhi her normal reports, she will leave. That would be the best for both of them.

Abhi asked about Aaradhya to Pooja and got to know that she had taken a day off. He was satisfied with it. At least she is taking a rest. But he wants to see her. Check on her. Should he call her? Or should he go and meet her personally? No that's a bad idea. He should not go there. He did not have much time to think as he was surrounded by patients soon and shifted his focus towards his work.

In the evening, he found his car in front of her building. He just wanted to check if she was feeling good or not. That's it. He will leave after that. He will not even enter her apartment. He'll return from the door. Yeah, that's the plan.

But on what floor and in which flat number does she live? He decided to call Dr Pooja to ask but then quickly dropped the idea. He doesn't want any unnecessary rumours about them in the hospital. So he decided to ask the watchman. The way he greeted Aaradhya yesterday, it looked like he knew her well.

"Hello, I am Dr Abhimanyu," he greeted him.

"Good evening sir. You work with Aaradhya ma'am? Yesterday you took her to the hospital right?" the watchman asked.

"Yeah. I came here to check on her, only," Abhi replied.

"Welcome to our...... Oh, Aaradhya ma'am is calling," the watchman said looking at his screen and picking up the call.

"Ok, ma'am. Ok. Don't worry ma'am. It's not a big deal. Just wait for five minutes. I'll bring it," he said.

"What happened? Is she ok?" Abhi asked.

"Yeah. She just wants some fruits, vegetables and milk. She doesn't want to go out so she asked me to bring them," the watchman told him.

"I'll bring them," Abhi told him.

"No sir. It's ok. She has done so much for me, I can do this much. You go and meet her. I'll bring those things," the watchman said.

"The market is just five minutes from here. I know what fruits and vegetables she should eat now. So I'll bring it," Abhi said again.

"Ok. If you want to. A packet of milk and no green veggies she said," the watchman told him.

"Ok," Abhi said and went to the market.

No green veggies. This girl can never learn. Still picky about food. Doesn't she understand she needs to eat everything to gain strength? He rolled his eyes at her antics and bought everything necessary for her.

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