Chapter 15: Jealous

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The biggest deceiver of our life is time. It never stops for anyone. Sometimes it passes at a speed ten times more than light. And sometimes it crawls at a speed ten times less than a tortoise.

The two hours for which Teena was unconscious passed painfully slowly but the two days before the examination passed extremely fast. The next fifteen days were very stressful for every one of them. They had to study so much and they all were disturbed because of that incident.

Aaradhya and Dev made Tanu understand that whatever Teena told the Principal was her choice. She just can't judge and hate her for that. Tanu has become normal again and was civil with Teena, at least. They all helped Teena as much as they could and everything was becoming normal again. Yuvraj came to the college as usual but something about him has changed. He tried to meet Teena so many times but she was always surrounded by her friends, especially Abhi. Aaradhya took care of Teena's meal, brought fruits for her and even went to her flat to cook khichdi for her as per the doctor's recommendation.

But she made sure to keep her distance from Abhi. She has seen him taking care of Teena. They look like husband and wife bickering over small things and then laughing at their silliness. Her heart ached at this. She doesn't know why and she does not want to know the reason. Teena was normal now. Her weakness was almost gone. She has nothing to do with this group now. She has completed her duty as a good human. She helped them when they needed it. Now she needs her piece of mind. Everyone else can go to hell for all she cares.

Their mid-semester examination was over today. There was relief on everyone's face. They would not secure good marks for sure but they all will pass, hopefully.

With all the thoughts in her mind, Aaradhya went to the canteen to take a cold coffee.

"Aaradhya, wait!" Abhi called. She closed her eyes. No no no! She does not want to talk to him.

"Yes?" she mumbled as she turned to face him.

"Wanna have a cup of tea?" he asked hopefully.

"No, thanks for asking!" came a simple reply.


"Because I don't want to."

"I am not asking that. I want to know why you have been avoiding me for the last few days?" he asked without beating around the bush.

"Avoid? You? Why would I do that?" she asked.

"Not again Aaradhya! We have been there. Now tell me the reason." he knew the reason. But he wants to hear it from her.

"Let me think. Maybe you don't remember. You have a weak memory, I guess. You promised me something in the evening and broke that promise in the morning. That might be the reason." she said calmly. But she knows that this is only one of the many reasons she has.

"I did nothing. I just sent a gift," he said innocently.

"Bangles? Seriously! To a boy. That was too much. Whatever it is, you have your life, you are free to make decisions. Our vibe doesn't match. I don't think we can be friends for long. It's more convenient if we remain civil, instead. And you must leave now. It's time for your girlfriend's medicine." she said in a go. Then she realised she let her jealousy overpower her. She called Teena his girlfriend. She has no right to judge them. Why is she so pathetic?

"Girlfriend? Oh, now I get it! Are you by any chance jealous?" he asked smirking.

"Jeal.... Jealous? Why would I be?" she fumbled with her words.

He took a step toward her and she stood still. As if her legs were tied to the floor.
He stopped just an away from her. He could sense her nervousness. Her cheeks were dark red already.

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