Chapter 8: Anatomy Class

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Mornings have always been special in Aaradhya's home. Everyone is an early riser there, except her. She hates to get up early. But all her life she has done the same. First school, then coaching and now college. If not for classes, she doesn't think she will ever get up early. She is not a fan of sunrises either. She never saw one. Although she has heard multiple times that it is beautiful. Still, she has no wish to sacrifice her sleep and watch the sunrise. She likes sunsets. She thinks they symbolise a beautiful ending to every sad, vulnerable and hectic start. At least one does not have to give up on their precious sleep to watch sunsets.

It was their fifth day of college today and they were called an hour before the actual timings. As a result, she had to get up earlier than usual and she was irritated beyond measure. It's just the fifth day, for god's sake!! Tanu was equally pissed off and had given numerous curses to the authorities in the last half an hour.

After that day in the canteen, she maintained a safe distance from Abhi. Though whenever Tanu saw that boy she teased her and called him her waiter. This girl was insane for sure but she was a social charmer. She made friends with the speed of light wherever she went. Aaradhya was sure that the whole canteen, mess and general store must know her by now. She was a happy-go-lucky girl, quite the opposite of Aaradhya. But Aaradhya was glad to share her room with Tanu. She respected Aaradhya's privacy and gave her time to adjust at her own pace.

After two hours of painfully boring and complicated lectures, they were given a short break. Today they had their Anatomy practicals. As per the seniors and her research, the first thing will be working on a cadaver (death body).
The thought of seeing a dead body was frightening let alone working on it. But this is what she wanted. She has to be brave and face whatever comes to her now. She just wishes not to faint in front of the whole class and add to her list of embarrassment.

Soon everyone was standing circling the body where the professor was explaining everything patiently. Aaradhya just wanted to run away from there. This is not what she signed for, she thought. This is exactly what you signed for and that too with all your heart and mind! A voice said in her head. Oh god!! It's going to be okay. She will learn to deal with this too. A loud shriek brought her out of her small self-motivation talk. A girl fainted. Another ran away for vomit.
At least some of them were on the same page as her.

"It's fine students. Don't panic. It happens every year. You all will learn to adjust to this in some time. Just don't give up. I think we should stop here. You all can go now." Professor Sharma tried to relax them all.

As soon as she stepped out of the lab she learnt to breathe again. Gosh! This all is so hectic. Tanu came out looking all proud and happy for god knows what.

"Why are you smiling like this? You know that we just came out after seeing a cadaver, not a comedy show, right? " asked a confused Aaradhya.

Tanu smiled more widely waving a 500 note in front of her.
"Guess what? I had a bet with Abhi that Teena would faint after seeing the cadaver and she did," she said smugly.

"What? This is so wrong Tanu. What was the need to bet about such things? You are going to be a doctor. This is so inappropriate."

"Oh come on. It's not like I did something to make her faint. I just said she would faint because it was so easy to guess. You know we are on the same DH table in the Histology lab. And anyway, she is a complete bitch. I told you this before, I don't like her from our first meeting. She royally ignored me. She talked to Abhi so nicely and with those other two dimwits too."

"Oh god! I don't want to hear that incident again, please. I know she sinned by ignoring our World famous one and only Tanu but still making such bets is inconsiderate. You cannot justify this."

"Oh please, now don't take that daddy's spoiled little princess' side. Not replying to my hello was very considerate on her part, right?"

"I am not taking sides but you should not be so happy at someone's illness."

"She is not ill. She just fainted because our daddy's little princess cannot take a little stress. She can only give it to others. I hate that I will have to share the same DH table as her for the next year."

"I don't have the strength to make you understand anything. Let's just go back to the hostel and I still don't support this. I think that you should return this money."

Tanu rolled her eyes but did not say anything. They went directly to their room not before greeting the other classmates and seniors they met on the route. Today was really tiring. But she is grateful that she was not the one who fainted. What if someone has a bet on her too like Tanu and Abhi had on Teena?

Tanu was a little immature and childish she knows but Abhi too. She did not expect this from him. It's not like she expected anything from him. But from his looks he seems to be a little mature she guesses. Whatever. These things are pretty normal. But she just cannot bring herself to mock others' weaknesses.

Teena was a little rude and arrogant, as per many others including Tanu. But still, she was not a bad person. There is nothing like good or bad people. There are people doing good and bad things. This is what Aaradhya has always been taught by her dadi (grandma). Arrogance was a part of Teena's personality, not her whole personality. She wanted to make Tanu see this. Tanu has to share her DH table with Teena for the next year and maybe for the next four years. She wants them to be civil if not friends. But it was so difficult to put senses in Tanu's brain. That girl understands and does whatever she wants to. So she just decided to leave it on time.

She just hopes things will get better with time. They always did. From her past experiences, she knows, when things are not in your hand leave them as they are and naturally, everything turns out to be good. One can always hope for the best and this is what she always does.

Unknown to her, life was going to teach her a new lesson when things are not going according to you, take them in your hand and manipulate the situation as per your convenience. Time always does not change things for the better, sometimes it worsens them too.

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