Chapter 27: At the police station

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Finally, all the exams were over and they were all free. Their batch had planned a small unofficial get-together the next day and then they had a month's holiday before the start of next year's classes.

After coming out of the exam hall Tanu was very excited and happy. They were going to have a party tomorrow but for today she had other plans. She has decided to take all her friends to Sarnath, a tourist place in Varanasi. They all had been very stressed due to exams and other matters, about which she does not want to think now.

But before that, she had one more task to complete. She has to thank Yuvraj for that day. Maybe his tone was not polite but his words were right. Thanks to him that she went back to her room and studied, otherwise, she would have cried for hours and then fought with her family. So, she went to look for him and found him in the same room they have their club meetings.

"Hi!," she said entering.

"What?" he asked without looking at her busy with the papers in front of him.

"So... I.... That... You..... I mean...." she stammered. Shit! How do we say thank you? Why is it so hard to thank him?

"Block 1 Building A4," he said looking at her now.

"What?" she asked confused. Why is he telling her that?

"Dr Naveen's office. He will treat your stammering problem. Now leave," he said again looking at his papers.

Tanu's blood boiled. Here, she was trying to thank him and he cannot be polite for once. What the hell is his problem? Thank god, she did not thank him. Because he does not deserve those kind words.

"Block 1 Building A5 Room 132," she said.

He did not say anything just looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Dr Ojha, the psychiatrist is there. Go visit her. A psycho like you needs good treatment," she said with anger evident in her voice. Not waiting for his response, she turned and left the room slamming the door on her way out. Asshole! Why did she come here? He'll rot in hell. Idiot!

"What happened?" Aaradhya asked when she found her near the gates.

"Nothing. Let's just get some rest and then we have to be ready also," Tanu said trying to sound excited but Aaradhya understood something was off. But she did not ask further.

"Ok, come," she said exiting the gates and moving towards their hostel.


After two hours Abhi, Anuj, Dev, Tanu and Aaradhya were waiting outside Teena's flat. This girl takes forever to get ready! They all apologised a lot and promised not to screw up anything again to convince Teena to go with them. But they all knew promises are meant to be broken.

"Finally, girl! I thought we'll leave tomorrow," Tanu said as she saw Teena coming towards them.

"Sorry," she smiled sheepishly.

They all had the time of their life there. It was such a beautiful place. Though Aaradhya was afraid of coming across any of her relatives. They would never like her visiting places with boys.

"Chill, Aaradhya! It looks like we have punished you by bringing you here," Abhi said looking at her. She looked so alarmed every time.

"You don't understand! What if anyone sees me?" she said looking around.

"So? You are not committing any crime. It's very normal," he said.

"Not in my family," she answered. She had some male friends in school but they never came to her house and she never visited theirs. She was from a family where male friends were not approved.

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