Chapter 36

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Anuj and Dev were sitting in the campus garden when Anuj received a call from Teena.

"I need your help for running from this hell," she said as he answered the call.

"What? What happened?" Anuj panicked. Was she alright?

"They have called me to get married to that murderer Ansh. I cannot do this. I need to leave this place but guards won't allow me to go out," she said.

"Murderer? What are you saying?" Anuj asked.

"I'll explain that later. Now listen carefully. They can take my phone away from me anytime and I won't be able to contact you then. There are many servants and guards here. It's impossible to run from here now. Tomorrow is the marriage. I am sending you the maid's uniform pic, buy one for me. I'll tell these assholes that I have called someone for makeup. Send the dress to Tanu and Aaradhya. I'll wear it and ditch them," Teena told him. He listened to everything patiently.

"Ok. Don't worry Teena. You are not going to marry that pathetic human. I promise," Anuj said.

"Thank you. Bye," she said hurriedly and cut the call.

She needs to win their trust, then only they would go a little lenient on her. So, she decided to swallow her self-respect for the time being and become the girl they wanted her to be.

She left her room and saw everyone sitting in the drawing room.

"I am sorry, Aunty. I should not have talked like that with you," Teena said approaching Urmila and holding her hands gently.

"It's ok dear. I'll make sure Ansh never raises his hand on you. Don't worry," she said caressingly her hair. She has seen Teena since she was a child. Teena was beautiful and submissive, just the perfect combination of the daughter-in-law she wants for her family.

"So the wedding is tomorrow?" Teena asked further.

"Yes, tomorrow at five in the evening. It's the most auspicious time of this month," Urmila told her.

"I am not allowed to go out. How would I get my makeup done?" she asked.

"I'll call the best people for that here only. Don't worry, child. Just enjoy this phase," the old woman smiled.

"Ok. Aunty I know a few ladies who are best in makeup. They helped me to get ready for my freshers' party. Can I call them?" Teena asked hopefully.

"Why not Teena? Call whoever you want, it's your wedding. I want you to look the best. After all, you are going to be our daughter-in-law," Urmila smiled.

"Thank you, Aunty," Teena said relieved.


"Aaradhya!" Anuj called when he saw her near the campus gate.

"Hii, Anuj!" she smiled.

"Teena called. She wants to run away from there....." Anuj told her everything.

"I can't believe this! They called her for this!" Aaradhya said. What kind of parents are they?

"Abhi is not picking up the calls, he must be busy with his football practice. Go and tell him and everyone. Dev and I are going to buy this maid's uniform." Anuj said hurriedly. It was getting dark and they had no idea where they would get the same dress.

"Ok. Meet us in the campus garden when you return," Aaradhya said.

Aaradhya went directly to the football ground calling Tanu on her way. She found Abhi busy playing football. She couldn't help but stare at him. He looked hot! She can understand why Ishita keeps finding ways to come near him. He was a complete pack... Shit! What is she doing? She needs to think about helping Teena, now. What a selfish woman she is!

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