Chapter 55

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For the next few days, Abhi received pics of all her meals. Sometimes a text 'Emergency surgery. Will eat after that.' He smiled. She thinks he will just start smoking on the first chance he gets.

But a thing that was bothering him was this new intern Dr Harshit Sahay. He worked in the cardio department. Abhi didn't like his vibe. And the way he was observing Aaradhya, Abhi wanted to take his eyes out. He made a mental note to warn her about him whenever he saw her next.

In the evening he found her outside the entrance waiting for her cab.

"I'll drop you," he told her.

"No need. I'll manage," she said. As expected.

"I want to talk about something. We can talk in the car," he reasoned.

She hesitated a little but followed him towards his car.

He drove the car out of the parking and they sat in complete silence for a few minutes.

"You wanted to say something," Aaradhya said breaking the silence.

He cleared his throat. He has no right to tell her to keep her distance from any other man. Will it sound awkward?

"Ye.. Yeah. So how's the new intern who joined?" he asked her.

"Dr Harshit?" she asked.

"Yeah," he mumbled.

"He is nice and friendly. Why?" she asked him.

"Friendly or over-friendly?" he asked glancing at her.

"Friendly. Why are you asking about him?" she asked.

"I don't like that man. He gives me some negative vibes. Maintain your distance from him," he said.

"Negative vibes? No. I don't find anything wrong with him. He is a kind soul," she told him.

"You find everyone to be kind. Even if he is kind and all just be careful around him. And don't get very friendly with him," he said.

"I... I'll keep that in mind," she said.

Well, that was smooth. He expected her to argue. But she obliged almost instantly. He could not believe this. But whatever the reason was, he was satisfied.

Aaradhya looked outside the window for the rest of the ride. She doesn't like that man herself. He is a little weird and tries to become over-friendly at times. She did not tell Abhi about it intentionally. But he was right. She just has to leave this place after a few days. She doesn't want any other drama here. She'll maintain her distance from that man.

"Why did you stop here?" she said looking at him when he stopped the car in front of the supermarket near her building.

"It's been one week since I bought vegetables and fruits for you. Don't you have to buy it again?" he asked.

"I have to. But I'll buy them afterwards. Just drop me in front of my building," she said.

"You'll buy everything important?" he asked.

"Yes," she told him.

"I don't trust you. Let's buy them now," he said.

"Abhi, please. You don't need to do this. I have managed all these years. I'll manage for the rest too," she told him.

"Your reports told me that you did a very good job at managing. We are buying them now. Come on," he said with finality in his voice.

She sighed. She should have not come with him. He will again fill her refrigerator with green veggies. God! She hates this situation. Can't she just magically increase her haemoglobin count? Please!

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